Vælg uddannelse
- Ingen
- BSc in Business Administration and Digital Management
- BSc in Business Administration and Service Management
- BSc in Business Administration and Sociology
- BSc in International Business
- BSc in International Business and Politics
- BSc in International Shipping and Trade
- HA almen erhvervsøkonomi
- HA i markeds- og kulturanalyse
- HA i projektledelse
- HA(fil.) - erhvervsøkonomi og filosofi
- HA(it.) - erhvervsøkonomi og informationsteknologi
- HA(jur.) - erhvervsøkonomi og erhvervsjura
- HA(kom.) - erhvervsøkonomi og virksomhedskommunikation
- HA(mat.) - erhvervsøkonomi og matematik
- HA(psyk.) - erhvervsøkonomi og psykologi
HA(kom.) - erhvervsøkonomi og virksomhedskommunikation
Kommunikation i virksomheder: 50%
Samarbejde mellem mennesker: 20%
Samfund og politik: 10%
Økonomi og matematik: 20%
Kommunikation i virksomheder
På HA(kom.) arbejder du med mange forskellige dimensioner af anvendelse og forståelse af strategisk kommunikation inden for og uden for virksomheder/organisationer.
På HA(kom.) arbejder du med mange forskellige dimensioner af anvendelse og forståelse af strategisk kommunikation inden for og uden for virksomheder/organisationer.
Samarbejde mellem mennesker
På HA(kom.) arbejder du med, hvordan man kan lede mennesker med kommunikation som et redskab, og hvordan man kan nå sine strategiske mål ved at skabe god kommunikation mellem medarbejderne. Fokus er på ledelse, strategi og udvikling i virksomheder/organisationer.
På HA(kom.) arbejder du med, hvordan man kan lede mennesker med kommunikation som et redskab, og hvordan man kan nå sine strategiske mål ved at skabe god kommunikation mellem medarbejderne. Fokus er på ledelse, strategi og udvikling i virksomheder/organisationer.
Samfund og politik
På HA(kom.) får du en forståelse for den nationale og globale samfundsudviklings betydning for den virkelighed, som virksomheder og organisationer må kommunikere i og handle ud fra.
På HA(kom.) får du en forståelse for den nationale og globale samfundsudviklings betydning for den virkelighed, som virksomheder og organisationer må kommunikere i og handle ud fra.
Økonomi og matematik
Du lærer at forstå den grundlæggende økonomiske logik, virksomheder tænker ud fra. Du får en generel indføring i økonomisk teori og lærer om, hvordan virksomheden løbende holder overblik over sine økonomiske ressourcer.
Du lærer at forstå den grundlæggende økonomiske logik, virksomheder tænker ud fra. Du får en generel indføring i økonomisk teori og lærer om, hvordan virksomheden løbende holder overblik over sine økonomiske ressourcer.
Vælg uddannelse
- Ingen
- BSc in Business Administration and Digital Management
- BSc in Business Administration and Service Management
- BSc in Business Administration and Sociology
- BSc in International Business
- BSc in International Business and Politics
- BSc in International Shipping and Trade
- HA almen erhvervsøkonomi
- HA i markeds- og kulturanalyse
- HA i projektledelse
- HA(fil.) - erhvervsøkonomi og filosofi
- HA(it.) - erhvervsøkonomi og informationsteknologi
- HA(jur.) - erhvervsøkonomi og erhvervsjura
- HA(kom.) - erhvervsøkonomi og virksomhedskommunikation
- HA(mat.) - erhvervsøkonomi og matematik
- HA(psyk.) - erhvervsøkonomi og psykologi
BSc in Business Administration and Digital Management
IT and information in companies: 25%
Economics and maths: 25%
People in organisations: 20%
Society and politics: 15%
Communication in companies: 15%
IT and information in companies
At BSc DM, you will learn how digital technologies reshape virtually all aspects of doing business in the 21st century. We focus on the relationship between digital transformations and management, considering both the promises and limits of new technologies and data-driven approaches for contemporary organisations.
At BSc DM, you will learn how digital technologies reshape virtually all aspects of doing business in the 21st century. We focus on the relationship between digital transformations and management, considering both the promises and limits of new technologies and data-driven approaches for contemporary organisations.
Economics and maths
Digital technologies change the ways in which businesses function, cooperate and compete in an often-international environment. To understand how digital technologies affect businesses you will need to become adept in economics, accounting and finance while also understanding significant market transformations caused by digitalisation.
Digital technologies change the ways in which businesses function, cooperate and compete in an often-international environment. To understand how digital technologies affect businesses you will need to become adept in economics, accounting and finance while also understanding significant market transformations caused by digitalisation.
People in organisations
An important issue facing managers is how to manage and facilitate digital transformations within organisations. At BSc DM, you will gain insight into the realities of – and potential difficulties associated with – leading organisation-wide transformations in ways that ensure employee motivation and commitment.
An important issue facing managers is how to manage and facilitate digital transformations within organisations. At BSc DM, you will gain insight into the realities of – and potential difficulties associated with – leading organisation-wide transformations in ways that ensure employee motivation and commitment.
Society and politics
The rise of digital technologies affects not only businesses and other organisations but also society as a whole. At BSc DM, we place the organisation in a larger socio-political context both affected by and affecting the conditions for digital management (e.g. through changing regulation).
The rise of digital technologies affects not only businesses and other organisations but also society as a whole. At BSc DM, we place the organisation in a larger socio-political context both affected by and affecting the conditions for digital management (e.g. through changing regulation).
Communication in companies
At BSc DM, we consider both promises and potential risks associated with digital technologies in the way they transform the basic conditions for human communication and cooperation everywhere, deeply affecting the outlook and work of organisations in numerous ways.
At BSc DM, we consider both promises and potential risks associated with digital technologies in the way they transform the basic conditions for human communication and cooperation everywhere, deeply affecting the outlook and work of organisations in numerous ways.
HA(kom.) - erhvervsøkonomi og virksomhedskommunikation
Antal studerende pr. årgang | 154 |
Mænd / kvinder | 18%/82% |
Gennemsnitsalder | 22,1 |
Udenlandske studerende | Under 10% |
Mulighed for udveksling | 5. semester |
Mulighed for praktik | Obligatorisk 6. semester |
Undervisningssprog | Dansk |
Andre undervisningssprog | Engelsk |
Kandidatuddannelse | Cand.merc.(kom) - erhvervsøkonomi og virksomhedskommunikation |
Adgangskvotient | 2024: 9,3 |
Standbykvotient | Ingen standby |
Studiepladser | 170 |
Kvote1 / kvote 2 | 70%/30% |
Motiveret ansøgning | Ja - se Kvote 1 og 2 under Optagelse |
Dansk | A med min. 6,0 |
Matematik | B |
Engelsk | B |
Historie eller samfundsfag | B |
BSc in Business Administration and Digital Management
Number of students per year | 176 |
Male / female | 60%/40% |
Average age | 21.4 |
International students | 55% |
Exchange option | 5th semester |
Internship option | 5th semester |
Teaching language | English |
Master programme | MSc in Business Administration and Digital Business |
Grade point average for entry | 2024: 9.6 |
Grade point average for standby | No standby |
Number of places | 200 |
Quota 1 / quota 2 | 60%/40% |
Motivational Essay | Yes - see Selection quotas under Admission |
Mathematics | B |
English | A |
History or social studies | B |
Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 27/03/2023