Digital Business

Part-time master (erhvervskandidat)

The part-time master in MSc in Business Administration and Digital Business is a part-time programme for students who are working in a relevant field of employment at least 25 hours per week at the same time as they are studying.


The part-time master has exactly the same academic content and level as the full-time version. You will therefore obtain the same competencies and develop the same areas of knowledge as described under the full-time version.


The admission requirements for the part-time master are the same as they are for the full-time version. When you submit your application you will have to select whether you want to study Digital Business as a full-time master or a part-time master.If you apply for the part-time master, you have to fill out and upload the employment agreement form. If you have not yet finalised an agreement with a company it is possible to upload the employment agreement form at a later date. However, if you are offered a place on the part-time master programme, the employment agreement form has to be uploaded no later than August 1st. If this is not possible, you will instead be offered a place on the full-time version of the programme.

See more about the admission criteria under Admission.


The part-time master is a 4 year programme, consisting of 8 semesters in total. As a student you will automatically be signed up for the specific courses that make up your semester. As opposed to the full-time version every semester only has a workload of 15 ECTS, which allows for you to have more time for your job.


Your classes will be divided between lectures and exercises. Both lectures and exercises will be held during the daytime together with the full-time students.


When you have started the programme you can switch to the full-time version at a latter date, if fx. your employment status changes.


Semester Courses

1st semester


Object Oriented Programmming (7,5 ECTS)
EU Internet Law (7,5 ECTS)

2nd semester


Strategic and Tactical Tools for Digital Business (7,5 ECTS)
Research Method for Digital Business (7,5 ECTS)

3rd semester


Applied Programming (7,5 ECTS)
Engines of Digital Business (7,5 ECTS)

4th semester


Cyber Security, Regulation, and Policy in Digital Business (7,5 ECTS)
Digital Business Project (7,5 ECTS)

5th semester


Elective 7.5 ECTS
Elective 7.5 ECTS

6th semester


Elective 7.5 ECTS
Elective 7.5 ECTS

7th semester

Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)


8th semester

It is possible to complete the courses in a different order if necessary.

You can find more information about the Digital Business programme in the Study Regulations

Salary and SU

You are not eligible for SU on the part-time master as you receive a regular salary at your place of employment.

Sidst opdateret: Web editor - Student Communications // 10/07/2024