
CBS offers a number of minors at both bachelor and master's level. Read more about minors og find all minors offered at CBS here.

In addition to all the single courses you can take at CBS, you can also choose to take a so-called minor.


A minor is a complete package of single courses or electives within a specific academic area. A minor typically consists of 3 courses. In the description of each minor, you can see which courses it consists of. Please note, that many of the courses are also offered as single courses or electives. 

Find a minor

You can find all minors below under:

Please note, that many or the courses offered as a part of a minor, are also offered as single courses, in which case you can choose to take just one of the courses. Then you will need to register for the single course you want to study. If the course is offered as a single course, you will find it on the list single courses - Bachelor and single courses - Master

Why take a minor?

Taking a minor gives you a specialisation in the minor's academic area. You achieve this specialisation because the minor consists of a number of interconnected courses in the same academic area. By taking a minor you can strengthen your competences within a specific area of your interests, and you can use it to qualify for specific jobs or branches. 

If there is no minor in the area(s) you would like to specialise in, or if do not get a place in the minor of your choice, you can specialise by taking single courses in the relevant academic area.

Minor diploma

When you have passed all courses in a minor, you can get a separate diploma stating that you now have a minor in the given academic area. You can use the diploma as a supplement to your bachelor or master's diploma.

If you want a diploma for the minor you have completed, you need to order it. 

Send an email with information about which minor you have passed to:

Requirements for minors

All courses included in the minor are offered in the autumn semester. To obtain a minor, you must be:

  • registered for all the courses included in the minor in the same autumn semester
  • pass the exam in all course included in the minor

If you do not pass every course included in the minor, the courses you do take will count as regular single courses or electives.

How to register for a MINOR

You register for a minor the same way as you register for single courses or electives. Instead of registrering for a single course, you just need to register for the minor by using the course code for the minor. You will find the minor course code on the list of minors. 

If you get a place on the minor, you will automatically be registered for all the courses the minor consists of.  

You can read more about how to register on Registration and deadlines

Teaching and exams in minors 

All minors are offered in the autumn semester. Some courses are offered as quarter courses and others as semester courses. This is marked as Q1, Q2 or semester under each course.

You can see the approximate teaching and exam periods for the different kinds of courses here:

Autumn Teaching Exams Retake
Q1: 1st quarter Week 36 to 42 Week 43/44 Week 51/1
Q2: 2nd quarter Week 45 to 51 Week 1 to 4 Week 9/10
Semester Week 36 to 49 Week 50 to 4 February


Minors at bachelor level - autumn 2025

Read more about the course content, learning objectives, exam forms and litterature by clicking on the course title.


Minors at master's level - autumn 2025

Read more about the course content, learing objectives, exam forms and lierature by clicking on the course title.