Combatting money laundering: Experts meet at CBS to have the difficult conversation
Combatting money laundering: Experts meet at CBS to have the difficult conversation
New study: Being laid off affects women more severely than men
If women lose their job, the risk of long-term unemployment is markedly higher than for men. It affects mothers particularly severely as they are twice as prone to long-term unemployment compared to fathers, a new study concludes. This should lead to initiatives that help the most marginalised groups gain employment again, according to Anne Sophie Lassen, Postdoc at CBS.
Megan Tobias Neely receives CBS Research Dissemination Award for shedding light on inequality on Wall Street

Research Dissemination Prize: Megan Tobias Neely has won the DSEB Research Dissemination Prize for effectively sharing insights on inequality on wall street with the wider public.
New generation of researchers to boost social innovation and entrepreneurship
Department at CBS receives a prestigious MSCA Doctoral Network to train and qualify PhD students in scaling social companies.
No more strutting around in borrowed green feathers
The new requirements for ESG reporting make it harder for companies to appear more green, inclusive or LGBT-friendly than they actually are.
Teacher of the year at CBS: “It is the students who make up the university's most significant imprint on the world”
Teaching award: Thomas Presskorn-Thygesen has managed to make philosophy of science relevant and accessible for his business economics students. This has made him teacher of the year at CBS.