Mobility opportunities
The Erasmus program offers several different mobility opportunities abroad for both CBS students and staff:
The Erasmus program offers CBS students on both bachelor and master level the opportunity to go for a semester abroad at another university, or to undertake a traineeship in another European county (must be in an Erasmus+ Programme Country).
Exchange semester abroad
You must be selected by CBS International Office for an exchange semester at one of CBS’ European partner universities.
You can find more information on about exchange and Erasmus+ for exchange.
Trainesship abroad
If you are going to do an internship/ traineeship abroad in another European country (must be in an Erasmus+ Programme Country) as part of your degree at CBS, you can apply for an Erasmus scholarship to help you finance your stay abroad.
You can find more information on about academic internship and on application procedures and deadlines for Erasmus+ for traineeships.
Students with Fewer Opportunities
With the Erasmus+ Charter CBS commits to ensure equal access and opportunities to participants from all backgrounds. Therefore, students who fall in under one of the below criteria are eligible to apply for a fewer opportunities top-up corresponding to an extra EUR 250 per month during their exchange or traineeship stay abroad.
Criteria for fewer opportunities top-up:
- Students with disabilities, chronic illnesses or conditions requiring treatment. Both physical and mental conditions are included
- Students with civic duty or personnel of the reserve, who are required to be present in Denmark during the exchange or traineeship period
- Care takers or resource persons (parent, adoptive parent, caretaker for an ill family member, mentor or support person). It is not a requirement that the child/children are going along on the exchange or traineeship
For more information about this, please check for exchange and/or traineeship.
CBS PhD students can apply for an Erasmus scholarship if they wish to go on either a short or a longer mobility stays abroad in another European country. Depending on the duration and the nature of the wished mobility, PhD students can apply for either the Erasmus+ Student Mobility or the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility.
Erasmus+ Student Mobility
The Erasmus+ Student Mobility consist of two different parts, one for a study period and one for a traineeship (work placement).
The Erasmus+ for Student Mobility is recommended to PhD students who intent to do a mobility abroad for more than 2 months (maximum duration is 12 months).
It is recommended that PhD students who wish to do so, apply for the Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Traineeships, as this can cover work placement at another HEI in Europe or another relevant enterprise in an Erasmus+ Programme Country.
You can find more information on about Erasmus+ for traineeships or contact CBS Erasmus Office at
Erasmus+ Staff Mobility
The Erasmus+ Staff Mobility consist of two different types, one for a teaching period and one for a training period, which can be carried out at one of CBS’ European partner universities.
The Erasmus+ for Staff Mobility is recommended to PhD students who intent to do a mobility abroad for less than 2 months.
There are different requirements depending on which of the two types of program you wish to go on:
- Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching: The teaching period can last from 2 days to 2 months/60 days (excl. travel time), with a minimum of 8 hours teaching to be delivered per week (or part of the week)
- Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training: The staff training must be at least full-time for two consecutive days at least (excl. travel time) and 2 months/60 days at the very most
You can find more information on CBS Share about Erasmus+ Staff Mobility or contact CBS Erasmus Office at
Please note that CBS applies for funding from EU each year. There is therefore no guarantee that Erasmus funding is available to all applicants, as it depends on the number of applicants and the funding CBS receives in a given year. It is advised that PhD students contact the Erasmus Office as soon as possible to inquire about the possibility for funding for a Student Mobility for Traineeship, a Staff Mobility for Teaching or a Staff Mobility for Training.
The Erasmus+ Program gives university staff the opportunity to spend a short period of time teaching or working/training at one of CBS’ European partner universities, and to apply for funding from the Erasmus+ Program.
Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching (Teacher Exchange)
Teacher Exchange, means that a CBS’ teacher go on exchange to one of CBS’ partner universities in Europe. Participation in lectures and seminars, tutoring of individual students and examinations may count as “teaching”. The objective is, among other things, for teachers to develop both professionally and personally and to strengthen the relationship with partner universities and share knowledge that the host university lacks.
Requirement: The teaching period can last from 2 days to 2 months (excl. travel time), with a minimum of 8 hours teaching to be delivered per week (or part of the week).
Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training (Staff Exchange)
Staff at CBS may visit a partner university, a company or an organisation to acquire knowledge or specific know-how from experiences and good practices abroad, as well as developing practical skills relevant for their current job and their professional development. The staff training can for instance consist of “tailing”/“job shadowing” a colleague at a partner university, or attending a course or workshop relevant to the staff members’ everyday tasks at CBS.
Requirement: The staff training must be at least full-time for two consecutive days at least (travels excluded) and 2 months/60 days at the very most.
You can find more information on CBS Share about Erasmus+ Staff Mobility or contact CBS Erasmus Office at
Please note that CBS applies for funding from EU each year. There is therefore no guarantee that Erasmus funding is available to all applicants, as it depends on the number of applicants and the funding CBS receives in a given year. It is advised that staff members contact the Erasmus Coordinator as soon as possible to inquire about the possibility for funding for a Teacher Exchange or a Staff Exchange.
The Erasmus+ Program gives university staff the opportunity to spend a short period of time working/training at one of CBS’ European partner universities, and to apply for funding from the Erasmus+ Program.
Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training (Staff Exchange)
Staff at CBS may visit a partner university, a company or an organisation to acquire knowledge or specific know-how from experiences and good practices abroad, as well as developing practical skills relevant for their current job and their professional development. The staff training can for instance consist of “tailing”/“job shadowing” a colleague at a partner university, or attending a course or workshop relevant to the staff members’ everyday tasks at CBS.
Requirement: The staff training must be at least full-time for two consecutive days at least (travels excluded) and 2 months/60 days at the very most.
You can find more information on CBS Share about Erasmus+ Staff Mobility or contact CBS Erasmus Office at
Please note that CBS applies for funding from EU each year. There is therefore no guarantee that Erasmus funding is available to all applicants, as it depends on the number of applicants and the funding CBS receives in a given year. It is advised that staff members contact the Erasmus Coordinator as soon as possible to inquire about the possibility for funding for a Staff Exchange.
External funding for CBS researchers
The Erasmus Programme offers CBS researchers the opportunity to apply for external funding for projects.
Under the Erasmus Programme, there are three key actions that are relevant for CBS researchers:
Key Action 2 is designed to develop the education, training, and youth sectors through five main activities, where the following are relevant for CBS researchers:
- Strategic partnerships to support innovation in the sector as well as joint initiatives to promote cooperation, peer-learning, and the sharing of experience.
- Knowledge Alliances to foster innovation in and through higher education together with businesses, and beyond, contributing to new approaches to teaching and learning, entrepreneurship in education, and the modernisation of higher education systems in Europe.
- Capacity-building projects in the field of higher education to support the modernisation, accessibility, and internationalisation of higher education in Partner Countries.
Organisations participating in these opportunities should benefit from new approaches to education and training, a more professional and capable professional environment within their organisation, and an increased capacity to work at an EU or international level.
For more information about Key Action 2, please check here.
Opportunities under this Key Action contribute to supporting the overall EU policy agenda, the Education and Training 2020 cooperation framework, and the Youth Strategy.
Organisations will contribute to improving the quality of education, training, and youth systems in Europe, as well as promoting transnational learning and cooperation between authorities. They will also contribute to developing the basis for evidence based policy-making, as well as supporting networks and tools for policy implementation.
Organisations will also contribute to improving the involvement of young people in democratic life and their engagement with politicians.
For more information about Key Action 3, please check here.
Jean Monnet is the part of Erasmus+ dedicated to promoting excellence in EU studies in higher education around the world.
Jean Monnet Actions aim to build bridges between academics, researchers and EU policymakers.
There is an emphasis on the study of and research on EU integration and in understanding Europe's place in a globalised world.
For more information about Jean Monnet, please check here.
For inspiration for projects, check the Erasmus Project Results Platform and for further information about Erasmus funding for research, please check CBS Share or contact the Research Support Unit.
Exchange at CBS
If you have been selected by your home university to do an Erasmus+ exchange at CBS, please have a look at our website for incoming exchange students.
You can find the course catalouge for incoming exchange students here:
For further inquiries, please contact CBS International Office Inbound Team at
Traineeship at CBS
Please note that CBS does not have a central office who handles incoming requests for doing traineeships under the Erasmus+ Programme.
If you wish to undertake a traineeship at CBS as part of your studies, please contact the relevant department and/or unit you wish to do the Erasmus+ Traineeship with.
For contact information for departments and units at CBS, please check here:
Please note that CBS does not have a central office who handles incoming requests for visits under the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility scheme.
If you wish to visit CBS under the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility scheme, please contact the relevant department and/or unit you wish to do the visit with.
For contact information for departments and units at CBS, please check here: