Employer branding services

CBS holds career events and other activities on an ongoing basis, in which CBS Career Partners and other relevant organisations can meet students from CBS.

Employer branding services

CBS offers a variety of employer branding services to support the organisations' desire for visibility as well as to meet the students to discuss their career opportunities.

CBS Career Partners have the opportunity to:

  • Early stall reservation for CBS Career Fair
  • Participate in CBS Consulting Event
  • Participate in CBS Graduate Event
  • Communicate to students about their own relevant activities
  • Have a career stall on campus
  • Sponsor an auditorium at Solbjerg Plads
  • Use recruitment services at CBS CareerGate
  • Additionally, CBS Career Partners have their logo displayed across all six campus areas

Potential employer branding services for other organisations:

  • Use the recruitment services at CBS CareerGate
  • Participate in Career Fair

CBS Career Fair is an annual event hosted by CBS Careers. The event includes around 35-45 different organisations from different business areas. The objective of the fair is to provide organisations with a day of recruitment and employer branding,

At CBS Career Fair the participating organisations will be supplied with a spot for a company stall from where they will get the opportunity to talk and network with a large number of motivated students throughout the day. The participation fee varies, but was most recently set at DKK 20.000 ex. VAT.

Would you like to receive invitations to upcoming career events at CBS? Sign up for the interest list here.

Are you interested in becoming CBS Career Partner? Sign up for the interest list here.

Read more about CBS Career Partnership

The page was last edited by: CBS Careers // 01/14/2025