Student life

Get a sneak peek of student life at CBS. You can read about how the programmes are structured, how exams are conducted, and how you may find a community on campus.

Everyday life as a CBS student - flexibility and responsibility

At CBS there is no such thing as a typical day. Many days you get to decide how your day looks and planning it how it suits you - so everyday life can take many different forms.

On average, you will have about 12-14 hours of classes scheduled per week. In addition to the scheduled classes, you should also expect to spend around 25 hours per week preparing for exams and attending lectures. You have the freedom to decide how and when you prepare. Therefore, your daily routine will be more flexible and demand more from you than you may be used to from the Upper Secondary school.

Overall, you will probably meet a lot of exciting people who may share your interests or inspire you to think and act in new ways.

Will I fit in?

It’s very normal to wonder about and perhaps be nervous about fitting in at a new place. When you start at CBS, you will be one among our more than 21,000 students. The CBS student population mirrors the rest of society, so you will encounter many different types of students. They come from all over Denmark and the rest of the world. 

What you have in common with your fellow students is that you have been admitted to a study programme at CBS, where you can grow as a student and gain more knowledge in the academic areas that interest you.

The page was last edited by: Web editor - Student Communications // 06/17/2024