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At CBS you will meet both lecturers who conduct research within their fields and lecturers who work in the business community. You will experience how the theory you read about in books aligns with the tasks you will work on in a real-life job.


When you study at a university, you become part of a research environment. As early as your first semester, you will be taught by researchers who work to produce new knowledge in their field. They provide insights into the latest findings while also training you to be curious and think critically. This gives you new perspectives on what you learn and the opportunity to work with topics that no other students have worked with before.


In class, you will be asked to discuss theories with both your lecturers and fellow students. You will need to approach things critically and be investigative. You can do this by being curious and asking questions or by exploring new angles on the topics you discuss. When you write an assignment or a project, you will also learn how to work with a scientific approach. This involves considering which theory and analysis that is most suitable to solve a given problem.

You will practise asking questions like: ‘why should I use this method?’ or ‘what are the pros and cons of other methods?’ This is the mindset you will need as a graduate, when you enter society and contribute to finding solutions to some of the global challenges our society faces.


At CBS you will be taught by researchers who are experts and up to date with the latest knowledge. You will also be taught by external lecturers. The external lecturers work in the private business sector or public organisations and will present you with real-life cases and problems. In their teaching they explain how to apply theories and models in their daily work, making it easier for you to understand how your curriculum is relevant and applicable in the real world. 

Additionally, you can draw on your own experiences to understand how to apply theories from your studies to solve tasks in a workplace or approach complex issues from various angles. Your experiences can come from various sources, such as volunteer work, part-time jobs, or internships.


The connection between university and the business world is also visible on campus. CBS has approximately 40 Career Partners, which are companies aiming to attract and employ graduates from CBS. As a result, they participate in Career Fairs on campus, where you, as a student, can discuss job opportunities or internships while you are still studying or after you have graduated.

All programmes have an Advisory Board. This is a council where the academic leaders of the programme meet with representatives from the industries related to your study programmes. This ensures that the study programmes align their curriculum with relevant knowledge and topics of the businesses.

The page was last edited by: Web editor - Student Communications // 06/28/2024