CEO of a global transport and logistics company goes back to school at CBS

It’s the start of a new semester, also for Jens Bjørn Andersen, the CEO of DSV, a global transport and logistics company. He has agreed to be the new Executive in Residence at CBS, an initiative inviting executive managers from top Danish companies to spend a year studying at the university.


Photo: Bjarke MacCarthy

CBS’ new student is a successful practitioner. In recent years DSV has become worth 36 percent more on the stock market. They recently successfully acquired a US competitor, and acquisitions remain an important part of DSV’s strategy, according to CEO Jens Bjørn Andersen. Today he heads 47,000 employees. 

President Per Holten-Andersen is pleased that Andersen has agreed to be the Executive in Residence for the academic year: 

“DSV is a strong company that makes the world smaller through effective transport and logistics solutions. This is a prerequisite for a global world trade that Denmark benefits greatly from. CBS educates graduates for the global market, which is why DSV is exciting for us, both for our students and researchers,” explains Holten-Andersen.

The aim of the Executive in Residence programme is to develop research and education in close collaboration with companies. Andersen’s schedule will comprise meetings and events with students and researchers, a prospect the DSV CEO is looking forward to:

“I would like to develop as CEO, which I can do by trying something new and inspirational. I hope to gain a new theoretical perspective on my practical everyday life, as well as input from the students, who see things from a slightly different angle. It’s a new world for me and I’m looking forward to discovering CBS, its researchers and the budding talents studying here,” says Andersen.

As a certified fright forwarder he worked his way to the top without any further higher education, making this encounter with the academic world a new experience for Andersen. As his company has become more global he has realised the need for a more highly educated workforce:

“At DSV growth and development are an extremely central part of our strategy. We constantly have to do things better, a little faster and a little smarter. This requires skilled employees who are forward looking and innovative. Concurrently with DSV becoming a global concern, it’s been necessary and educational for the company to develop global operations with specialists in economics, finance, law, marketing communication, HR and more – some of whom are from CBS,” he explains.  

Although happy with his training as a certified freight forwarder he also sees the benefits of higher education, adding:

“I would always advise young people to get a higher education. It provides a solid foundation during your professional career.” 

The first event at CBS with Andersen will take place on 18 September from 16:00 - 17:30. 

Read more about the event "The inside story of DSV: From local to global"

For more information please contact:

Director of CBS Business Louise Seest

Head of Corporate Communication at DSV Tina Hindsbo


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/09/2020