Get a taste of the latest research at CBS and the courses at CBS Executive Summer school.

CBS Executive offers several events and courses in the coming months. You can join a free event on how to work strategically with Big Data or join summer courses on Human Capital Analysis or Human Resource Management.


Photo Bjarke MacCarthy


How big is Big Data? (Free event, April 7, 2015)
Join the event on Big Data and the revolution in human capital analytics and customer insights. At this event, we provide a broader perspective on how to work strategically with Big Data and how to cope with the challenges of the steps from analytics to strategy.  

Transformation af forretningen gennem aktiv forretningsudvikling (Free event, Marts 11, 2015; Only in Danish)
Hvordan frigiver ledere potentialet for vækst i eksisterende virksomheder og med forretningsmodeller, der bliver presset af nye spillere på markedet, brancheglidning- og transformation, øget konkurrence og kompleksitet? Vi præsenterer en række implementérbare koncepter fra ledende forskere på CBS, samt en konkret virksomhedscase, som har drejet en effektivitetsfokuseret driftsorganisation mod vækst.

Connecting People and performance. Human Capital Analytics (3-day program, June 1-3, 2015 - A 10% discount is offered to registrations received prior to 1 March, 2015)

HRM – Hvordan integrerer du forretningsstrategi og HR-praksis (5-day program, August 17-21, 2015; Program only  in Danish - A 10% discount is offered to registrations received prior to 1 March, 2015)

Please read more and see the full CBS Executive Summer School portfolio of 23 programs at

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 17/12/2017