Join information Meeting on the Industrial PhD

Why hire a PhD student into your company? Get the answer at our Industrial PhD information meeting at CBS in March.


CBS Research Support invites you to an information meeting about the Industrial PhD for researchers, students and companies.

An Industrial PhD project is a three-year business-oriented PhD project where the student is hired by a company and enrolled at a university at the same time. The company receives wage subsidy and the university has its expenses for supervision etc. covered by the Ministry of Science.

Visit from the Ministry
At the meeting, you will be introduced to the general ideas, principles and formalities behind the Industrial PhD by a representative from the Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education. You will also receive information about different assessment criteria and inspiration for the planning of good Industrial PhD projects presented by previous and current members of the Ministry’s assessment committee from CBS.

Furthermore, you will get a chance to meet Industrial PhD candidates, who will talk about their experiences with Industrial PhD projects. And you will meet companies with either an interest in or experience with hosting Industrial PhD candidates.

The event takes place Monday 17 March 2014, 10:00-12:00 at Porcelænshaven, PH.110. For more information or registration, please contact Rasmus Gyldenkerne Nielsen from CBS Research Support at or tel: +45 3815 2693.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/09/2020