
CBS Maritime works as a cross departmental platform and is broadly embedded in the relevant research environments and teaching programs at CBS. Our strategy can be summarized as “Building Strength Through Collaboration”.


Foto: Bjørn Poulsen, Handelsflådens Velfærdsråds Fotokonkurrence, 2012

Adressing Global Challenges

CBS Maritime is committed to addressing the big question of how to achieve economic and social progress in the maritime industry. CBS Maritime aims to strengthen a maritime focus at CBS and create the foundation for CBS as a stronger partner for the maritime industry, as well as for other universities and business schools.

CBS Maritime bridges classical management disciplines (e.g. economics and finance, organisation, marketing, management and accounting, logistics and operations research) with neighbouring disciplines that place business in a broader societal context (e.g. business and economic history, law, economic geography, political science, sociology and information systems research).

The research profile is thus based on longstanding business school traditions, and it involves the ability to model, calculate and optimise different business issues but also a critical stance towards methodological and disciplinary constraints.

Our research is developed on the premise that we should work together with the maritime industry in identifying key questions and research challenges that are of common interest and significance to the world of practice and to academia. CBS Maritime is engaged in extensive collaboration with maritime businesses and organisations in an effort to identify a number of broad challenges and key research questions for different segments of the maritime supply chain.

Currently we are involved in several research projects and programmes that support the relevant educational activities at CBS.

About CBS
CBS is a world-leading university with nearly 21,000 students and more than 800 full time academic staff, as well as over 300 exchange and co-operation agreements with top universities and business schools worldwide.

CBS is the only academic institution in the world to currently offer maritime management education at all levels, including a bachelor’s (B.Sc.) degree in International Shipping and Trade, a master’s level (M.Sc.) Minor in Maritime Business, an Executive MBA in shipping and logistics), a Blue Board Leadership programme, and a new Higher Diploma degree HD2 Maritime (to launch in September 2024) in addition to individual B.Sc. and M.Sc. courses and courses tailored to individual partners on selected maritime economics and business topics.


Sidst opdateret: CBS Maritime // 04/12/2023