Professor Rosalie L. Tung

Seminar about foreign investment into China

Onsdag, 9 maj, 2007 - 14:00 to 15:30

The Human Resource Challenge to Outward Foreign Direct Investment Aspirations from Emerging Economies: The Case of China

Seminar by Professor Rosalie L. Tung

Professor of International Business, Simon Fraser University, Canada  


The continued influx of foreign investment into China and the growing desire by indigenous Chinese companies to invest abroad have created an unprecedented demand for people who possess competencies to compete successfully in a global economy. Without this pool of human talent, China’s economic growth will slow and its outward foreign direct investment aspirations will be thwarted. This paper presents two inter-related studies that can shed light on China’s ability to meet this human resource challenge in the years ahead. The first study pertains to the intention of a sample of Chinese university students in Canada to return to work in China upon graduation. Most Chinese students were receptive to the idea of returning to China. The second study examines the willingness of non-Chinese university students to work for Chinese firms overseas or in China. In general, non-Chinese students were more willing to work in the North American operations of Chinese companies and less so in relocating to China. These two surveys are supplemented by in-depth interviews with Chinese who have returned to work in China and those who chose to remain overseas. The implications of these findings, both theoretical and practical, are discussed.

Rosalie L. Tung is the Ming and Stella Wong Professor of International Business at Simon Fraser University. In 2003-2004, she served as President of the Academy of Management. She was formerly a Wisconsin Distinguished Professor, Business Administration, with the University of Wisconsin System. She is a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the Academy of Management, the Academy of International Business and the British Academy of Management She has published eleven books and over 80 journal articles on the subject of International Management. She is a senior editor, Journal of World Business and an incoming area editor, Journal of International Business Studies.

Professor Tung is recognized as one of the world's most cited authors in international business. Her books include Management Practices in China, Handbook of International Business and  Learning from World Class Companies.

Professor Tung is currently visiting the Asia Research Centre at CBS.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 17/10/2012