csbCSR "Brown Bag" Research Seminar: Moura Quayle
CBS Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility
Invitation to join our Research Seminar Series
Moura Quayle,
UBC Sauder School of Business, Vancouver, Canada
Visiting professor at cbsCSR until June 22nd
Ways of Thinking in Business Education: Reframing the learning experience with the sustainability lens
Diverse frameworks and toolkits are emerging in academia and the marketplace to support alternate ways of thinking in business to enhance management practice. Focusing on the value lens of sustainability, how do the various ways of thinking (established and experimental) such as creative, critical, design, integrative, systems, visual, appreciative and strategic support sustainability learning?
There seems to be little research or practice experience around how newer thinking frameworks are being used along with sustainability content, how they value-add to more traditional management and problem-solving approaches and, importantly, how best to embed them successfully in business curricula.
The University of British Columbia has been a leader in campus sustainability for 15 years but only recently has launched an integrated University Sustainability Initiative that includes research, teaching/ learning and operations. As both the undergraduate and MBA programs at the Sauder Business School are being re-positioned, with regard to building sustainability learning outcomes into the programs. Moura’s mandate at Sauder is to assist in thinking through how the learning environment should be shaped to maximize sustainable business learning. She is at the beginning of her research on this topic – but is simultaneously designing a sustainability value lens and ways of thinking curriculum for the MBA Integrated Core to be delivered in Fall 2011. So in the spirit of testing ideas and receiving critique, Moura will present her draft approach to introducing ways of thinking/sustainability to MBA students, as well as how research in this area might evolve. She looks forward to debate and discussion to explore new business thinking lenses.
This event is part of a series of cbsCSR Research Seminars that take place monthly, where new research will be presented. Bring your lunch bag.
Do you wish to present a paper for feedback before publishing, done hesitate, give a notice to Gurli Jakobsen gj.ikl@cbs.dk