PhD defence: Franz Buchmann

In order to obtain the PhD degree, Franz Buchmann has submitted his thesis entitled: Driving the Green Transition of the Maritime Industry through Clean Technology Adoption and Environmental Policies

Torsdag, 17 marts, 2022 - 15:00 to 17:00

Franz Buchmann

The climate change crisis is one of the biggest contemporary challenges the global community faces, and reducing emissions is an issue of paramount importance for stakeholders in the maritime industry. The PhD thesis focuses on two key pillars related to the green transition of international shipping, namely clean technology adoption and environmental policies. The overarching objective of this thesis is to examine thoroughly the interplay between clean technology adoption and environmental policies to drive the green transition of the maritime industry.


Primary Supervisor:
Associate Professor Leonardo Santiago

Department of Operations Management

Copenhagen Business School


Assessment Committee:

Associate Professor Liping Jiang (Chair)

Department of Operations Management

Copenhagen Business School


Professor David Gillen

Sauder School of Business, Operations & Logistics Division

University of British Columbia


Associate Professor Janne Samuli Kettunen

School of Business, Decision Sciences

The George Washington University


The thesis will be available from


The CBS PhD School will host a reception, which will take place immediately after the defence in FUHU - Faculty Club - Solbjerg Plads (forrum)

Organised by

CBS PhD School


17 March 2022




Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads
2000 Frederiksberg
Room: SP210 PwC Aud (second floor)


It will also be possible to attend the defence via Zoom at the following link:


*Please note in connection with the online defence that the microphone and camera of all spectators must be turned off!


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 11/07/2023