PhD defence: Lotte List

Mandag, 11 september, 2023 - 13:00 to 15:00

In order to obtain the PhD degree, Lotte List has submitted her thesis entitled:
Crisis Sovereignty
the Philosophy of History of the Exception


This thesis develops the concept of crisis sovereignty through an examination of the conceptual link between state sovereignty and crisis time. It centers on the Weimar era writings of the juridical thinker Carl Schmitt and his definition of sovereignty as the power to decide on the exception. The sovereign exception in this definition, the thesis claims, denotes simultaneously the exceptional historical situation and the exceptional juridical means to overcome this situation, and thus sovereignty is caught in a constitutive contradiction. Through a critical reading of Schmitt, the thesis uncovers a dialectical relationship between sovereignty and crisis, arguing that this dialectic on the one hand enforces a totalizing notion of sovereign power, and on the other hand reproduces a narrative of modernity as crisis temporality. 


Primary Supervisor:Associate Professor Stefan Schwarzkopf

Department of Business Humanities and Law

Copenhagen Business School

Secondary Supervisor:

Professor Mitchell Dean

Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy

Copenhagen Business School

Assessment Committee:

Associate Professor Mathias Hein Jessen (Chair)

Department of Business Humanities and Law

Copenhagen Business School


Professor Janet Roitman

College of Business and Law

RMIT University Melbourne


Professor Mikkel Thorup

School of Culture and Society

University of Aarhus


Thesis:The thesis will be available from

Reception:The CBS PhD School will host a reception, which will take place immediately after the defence in Atrium.


Organised by

CBS PhD School


11 September 2023




Copenhagen Business SchoolKilen2000 FrederiksbergRoom: Ks54 (ground floor)

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 14/01/2025