New issue of Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, Vol 27 (1)

Published May 2009


The online version of Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies Vol 37(1) is now available onlie. The printed version will be available soon.

Table of Contents:

Spiritual Power. Ethnic Chinese Managers and the Rise of Charismatic Christianity

Juliette Koning, Heidi Dahles

The contradiction of entrepreneurship through affirmative action

Anthony Shome

Motorbikes against Ho Chi Minh? Or the icons of a social transformation in Vietnam

Alexandre Dormeier Freire

Visibility, framing and importance: Images of the EU in Japan and South Korea

Natalia Chaban, Christian Elias Schneider, Richard Malthus

Trends and Determinants of Korean Outward FDI

Jungmin Kim, Dong Kee Rhee

See abstracts and download articles of the current issue and all back issues at

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 17/10/2012