Gendered Upbringing and Political Aspirations: Jens Olav Dahlgaard publishes paper in Political Behavior


Women are less likely than men to run as candidates in political elections. One reason for this is gendered upbringing, which depresses political ambition among women and strengthens such ambition among men. Furthermore, gendered upbringing can be more pronounced when parents have children of both sexes. In a recent paper published in Political Behavior, Jens Olav Dahlgaard with his coauthor Rasmue T. Pedersen (VIVE) test the theory that both women and men have a higher likelihood of becoming a political candidate if they have sisters rather than brothers. They utilize the fact that nature randomly assigns the sex of the younger sibling when parents decide to have a second child. Using data covering the entire adult Danish population and every candidate in national and local elections between 1990 and 2015, they find, contrary to previous findings on the effects of siblings and gendered upbringing,  no evidence that men and women with a younger sister are more likely to run for office.

You will find an ungated preprint of the paper here.