Open data: major business opportunity for the growth of SMEs in Europe


The FIWARE Roadshow “Open Data for European Entrepreneurs” brought together more than 180 European entrepreneurs.
The event has been organised by FIWARE accelerator project FINODEX, led by Zabala Innovation Consulting, in Pamplona (SPAIN).

Pamplona (Spain) has recently turned into the European capital of ICT entrepreneurship, where 180 entrepreneurs from across Europe have been able to see first hand some real success stories from SMEs who have used FIWARE technologies as part of their products or services. The attendees have also been able to witness the strengthening link between European entrepreneurship and Open Data.

The event has been organised by the FIWARE accelerator FINODEX project led by Zabala Innovation Consulting, with support from the European Commission.

For more details: PDF icon 2016_03_02_fiware_roadshow_pamplona_en.pdf

Sidst opdateret: Department of Digitalization // 11/03/2016