
  • 26.04.2018

    Organisational guru Henry Mintzberg to visit CBS

    The Canadian organisational guru, professor and author Henry Mintzberg will visit CBS on Wednesday 2 May, where he will meet students and partners to share his thoughts and ideas on a rebalanced society across political opinions and sectors.
  • 25.04.2018

    KADK and CBS offer new programme that connects design and business

    Artistic programmes in architecture and design - and business administration programmes complement each other nicely. For this reason, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts - Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation (KADK) and Copenhagen Business School (CBS) have established a new joint graduate programme in Strategic Design and Entrepreneurship. A completely obvious idea to boost interdisciplinary knowledge and competences, says the business community.
  • 17.04.2018

    A new president for CBS

    President Per Holten-Andersen has chosen to leave his position as president of CBS at the end of January 2019.
  • 27.03.2018

    CBS in April

    What is the role of tech giants in the future? How can Danish companies create sustainable development in South America? Drop by CBS and get the answers. You can also attend an information meeting about the new Master of Business Development or attend Bachelor Open Day.
  • 23.03.2018

    Trade crisis - find a CBS expert

    The stage is set for a prolonged trade war after USA has imposed extra duty on goods such as steel from China. Find an expert from CBS who can comment on the consequences this may have for Europe’s economy, free trade as well as Danish and Chinese companies.
  • 23.03.2018

    CBS in 2017: Graduates find jobs fast

    CBS has now published the annual report for 2017. It has been a stable year with the same enrolment level, little fewer researchers, significant reaccreditations - and not least - CBS’ centenary.
  • 13.03.2018

    CBS Honorary Doctors 2018

    We are proud to announce three honorary doctors, who have made remarkable contributions to research, dissemination and teaching.
  • 09.03.2018

    Minister sends talented PhDs abroad

    How does self-control influence environmental friendliness? What is the business potential of diverse labour? Meet two PhD students from CBS who have been granted the Minister for Higher Education and Science's EliteForsk travel scholarships worth DKK 200,000.
  • 07.03.2018

    Major project to boost e-exporting by Danish companies

    Only a handful of Danish companies use online marketplaces such as Amazon and Alibaba to sell their products, according to figures from Eurostat. A new research project wants to change this. The Danish Industry Foundation has approved a grant of DKK 8.8 million to fund a collaborative project between the Confederation of Danish Industry and CBS.
