
Department of International Economics, Government and Business


Kontor: POR/24.B-1.86
E-mail: ov.egb@cbs.dk

As a PhD Fellow at EGB, I research MNEs strategic responsiveness for resilience and competitiveness. I am particularly interested in global sourcing diversification, digital transformation and innovation, and SDGs commitment for resilience and operational excellence.

I hold a MSc in International Trade/Business, a MBA (minor in MIS) and a BSc in Finance-Accounting. Before joining CBS, I worked as Assistant Lecturer and Project Manager/Coordinator, mainly focused on EU funded capacity-building projects and other international research programs.

Primære forskningsområder
  • MNEs strategies for resilience and competitiveness 
  • Firm internationalization and sourcing decisions
  • GVCs/GSCs patterns and dynamics
  • Digital transformation and innovation
  • SDGs commitment for resilience
Sociale medier
Link til denne hjemmeside
  • Global Strategy, Technology and Innovation (BSc in International Business)
  • Research Design and Quantitative Methods I (BSc in Business Administration and Sociology)

I currently supervise MSc theses and BSc projects. I welcome thesis/project proposals broadly related to my primary research areas.

Publikationer sorteret efter:
Ornela Vladi / A Contemporary Review of the Resilience Literature : State-of-the-Art and Future Research Opportunities.
I: Responding to Uncertain Conditions: New Research on Strategic Adaptation. . red. /Torben Juul Andersen. Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing 2023, s. 199-216 (Emerald Studies in Global Strategic Responsiveness)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Ziaul Haque Munim; Ornela Vladi; Niamat Ullah Ibne Hossain / Data Analytics Applications in Supply Chain Resilience and Sustainability Management : The State of the Art and a Way Forward.
I: Data Analytics for Supply Chain Networks. red. /Niamat Ullah Ibne Hossain. Cham : Springer 2023, s. 1-13 (Greening of Industry Networks Studies, Vol. 11)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review

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