Institut for Afsætningsøkonomi
- Center for Tourism and Hospitality Management (THM)

Alexander har en ph.d. fra Melbourne University i Melbourne, Australien. Alexander er professor og direktør for Center for Tourism and Culture Management, Copenhagen Business School.
- Cross-cultural and international marketing
- Consumer behavior
- Marketing theory and marketing strategy
- Quantitative Modelling
- Service Research
- Tourism and Hospitality Management
Global marketing management
Consumer psychology
Understanding consumer across cultures
Supervises broadly in topics in marketing and tourism, with a focus on academic quality and practical impact. Contact me if you are ambitious and looking for a supervisor.
Assaf, A. G., Josiassen, A., Woo, L., Agbola, F. W., & Tsionas, M. (2017), “Destination characteristics that drive hotel performance: A state-of-the-art global analysis,” Tourism Management.
Kock, F., Josiassen, A., & Assaf, A. G. (2016), “Advancing destination image: The destination content model,” Annals of Tourism Research.
Josiassen, Alexander, Albert Assaf, Linda Woo, and Florian Kock (2016), “The Imagery-Image Model: Revisiting Destination Image,” Journal of Travel Research.
Assaf, Albert, and Alexander Josiassen (2016), “Frontier Analysis: A State of the Art Review and Meta-Analysis,” Journal of Travel Research.
Assaf, Albert, Josiassen, Alexander, and Frank Agbola (2015), “Attracting International Hotels: Locational Factors that Matter Most,” Tourism Management.
Josiassen, Alexander, and A. George Assaf (2013), “Look at Me - I am Flying: The Influence of Social Visibility of Consumption on Tourism Decisions,” Annals of Tourism Research.
Assaf, A. George, Alexander Josiassen, Brian Ratchford, and Carlos Pestana (2012), “Internationalization in Retailing: A Dynamic Bayesian Model,” Journal of Retailing.
Assaf, George A and Alexander Josiassen (2012), “Identifying and Ranking the Determinants of Tourism Performance: A Global Investigation,” Journal of Travel Research.
Josiassen, Alexander (2011), “Consumer Disidentification and Its Effects on Domestic Product Purchases: An Empirical Test in the Netherlands,” Journal of Marketing.
Josiassen, Alexander, A. George Assaf, and Ingo Karpen (2011), “Consumer Ethnocentrism and Willingness to Buy: Analyzing the Role of Three Demographic Consumer Characteristics,” International Marketing Review.
I: Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 110, 1.2025
I: Tourism Economics, Vol. 30, Nr. 3, 5.2024, s. 728-748
I: International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 36, Nr. 10, 9.2024, s. 3233-3244
I: Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 63, Nr. 3, 3.2024, s. 696-712
I: Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 23.12.2024
I: Journal of Business Research, Vol. 182, 9.2024
I: Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, Vol. 5, Nr. 1, 5.2024
I: The 32nd Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitalty Research 2024. red. /Ángel Tello Moya; Trude Furunes; Live K. Kvalsvik. Stavanger : University of Stavanger 2024, s. 90-91
I: Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 5.6.2024
I: 2023 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul Proceedings. red. /Roland T. Rust; Renana Peres; Linda Robinson; Chizuru Nishio; Tony Garrett. Changwon : Global Alliance of Marketing and Management Associations 2023, s. 1087-1101 (Global Marketing Conference Proceedings)
I: Tourism Recreation Research, 8.8.2023
Paper presented at The European Association for Consumer Research Conference. EACR 2023, 2023
I: 2023 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul Proceedings. red. /Roland T. Rust; Renana Peres; Linda Robinson; Chizuru Nishio; Tony Garrett. Changwon : Global Alliance of Marketing and Management Associations 2023, s. 613-620 (Global Marketing Conference Proceedings)
I: Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 62, Nr. 2, 2.2023, s. 448-468
I: Innovation-Driven Business and Sustainability in the Tropics: Proceedings of the Sustainability, Economics, Innovation, Globalisation and Organisational Psychology Conference 2023 (SEIGOP 2023). . red. /Emiel L. Eijdenberg; Malobi Mukherjee; Jacob Wood. Singapore : Springer 2023, s. 175-186
I: Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, Vol. 27, 3.2023
I: Tourism Management, Vol. 96, 6.2023
I: Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 96, 2022, 4 s.
I: Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 61, Nr. 2, 2.2022, s. 299-313
I: Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 87, 3.2021
I: International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 85, 2.2020
I: International Marketing Review, Vol. 37, Nr. 6, 2020, s. 1013-1049
I: Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 59, Nr. 8, 11.2020, s. 1386-1401
I: Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 85, 11.2020
I: Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 79, 11.2019
I: Proceedings of the EMAC 2019 Annual ConferenceBrussels : European Marketing Academy. EMAC 2019, 1 s.
I: International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 82, 9.2019, s. 48-58
I: Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 58, Nr. 7, 2019, 3 s., s. 1227-1229
Abstract from International Conference on Business Management, Economics and Social science (BMESS), 2019, s. 14
I: Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 74, 2019, s. 155-166
I: Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 58, Nr. 3, 2019, s. 427-439
I: Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 27, Nr. 3, 9.2019, s. 43-59
I: Event Management, Vol. 22, Nr. 4, 2018, s. 555–569
I: Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC) 2018: Connect. Engage. Transform. . red. /Jodie Conduit; Carolin Plewa; Dean Wilkie. Adelaide : University of Adelaide 2018, s. 185
I: Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 73, 11.2018, s. 180-183
I: International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 30, Nr. 11, 2018, s. 3346-3362
I: 2018 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo Proceedings. red. /Jeonghye Choi. Seoul : Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations 2018, s. 635-636 (Global Marketing Conference Proceedings)
I: 2017 TTRA Conference Proceedings : Tourism Travel and Research Association: Advancing Tourism Research Globally. Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2017
I: Tourism Economics, Vol. 23, Nr. 7, 2017, s. 1484-1495
I: 2017 TTRA Conference Proceedings / Tourism Travel and Research Association: Advancing Tourism Research GloballyAtlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2017
Paper presented at The Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference. ANZMAC 2017, 2017
I: Tourism Management, Vol. 60, 6.2017, s. 270–279
I: Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC) 2017: Marketing for Impact. . red. /Linda Robinson; Linda Brennan; Mike Reid. Melbourne : RMIT University 2017, 1 s., s. 59 (Proceedings of the ANZMAC Conference)
Abstract from 13th International Conference on Responsible Tourism in Destinations:, 2017
Abstract from ICMP 2017 : 19th International Conference on Marketing and Retailing, 2017
I: 2016 Global Marketing Conference at Hong Kong Proceedings. red. /Juran Kim. Changwon : Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations 2016, s. 44-48
I: 2016 Global Marketing Conference at Hong Kong Proceedings. red. /Juran Kim. Changwon : Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations 2016, s. 1068-1072
I: Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 61, 11.2016, s. 28-44
I: Proceedings of 11th Annual London Business Research ConferenceEngland7.2016
I: Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 55, Nr. 5, 5.2016, s. 612-627
I: Tourism Economics, Vol. 22, Nr. 3, 6.2016, s. 572-592
I: Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 55, Nr. 6, 2016, s. 789-803
I: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference Marketing Trends 2016 Madrid. red. /Jean-Claude Andreani; Umberto Collesei. Paris-Venice : Marketing Trends Association 2016
I: Proceedings of the 19th QMOD-ICQSS International Conference on Quality and Service Science. red. /Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park; Jens J. Dahlgaard. Lund : Lund University Press 2016
Paper presented at The 30th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence. JSAI 2016, 2016
I: Tourism Management, Vol. 47, 4.2015, s. 329-340
I: International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 48, Nr. Jul., 7.2015, s. 161-166
Paper presented at 5th Advances in Hospitality & Tourism Marketing and Management (AHTMM) Conference, 2015
Paper presented at The 3rd International Conference on Events, 2015
I: International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 44, 1.2015, s. 77-83
Paper presented at The 9th International Conference Business Management and Legal Studies, 2015
I: Strategic Direction, Vol. 30, Nr. 8, 2014, s. 38-40
I: International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 36, 1.2014, s. 130-136
Paper presented at 2014 Gobal Marketing Conference Singapore, 2014
Abstract from The 3rd International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business, 2014
I: Journal of Business Research, Vol. 67, Nr. 6, 6.2014, s. 1249-1256
I: European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 48, Nr. 7/8, 2014, s. 1395-1412
I: Proceedings of the International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance . red. /Vincent Ribiere; Lugkana Worasinchai. Reading : Academic Conferences and Publishing International 2013, s. 320-328
I: Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 40, 1.2013, s. 155-175
I: Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol. 12, Nr. 4, 7.2013, s. 253-266
Paper presented at 2012 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul, 2012
I: International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 31, Nr. 2, 6.2012, s. 596-600
I: Tourism Management, Vol. 33, Nr. 2, 2012, s. 317-326
I: International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 31, Nr. 2, 2012, s. 621-629
I: Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 51, Nr. 4, 2012, s. 388-399
I: Tourism Economics, Vol. 18, Nr. 3, The 4th Biennial Conference on Advantages in Tourism Economics, 2012, s. 607-616
I: Journal of Retailing, Vol. 88, Nr. 2, 2012, s. 191-205
I: Journal of Business Research, Vol. 65, Nr. 5, 5.2012, s. 617-625
I: Journal of Marketing, Vol. 75, Nr. 2, 2011, s. 124-140
I: International Marketing Review, Vol. 28, Nr. 6, 2011, s. 627-646
I: Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 38, Nr. 1, 2011, s. 5-16
I: Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2011: Proceedings of the 8th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 1-4 February, 2011. . red. /Alex Maritz. Melbourne : Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne 2011, s. 713-724
Boston, MA : The World 2024
København : Monitormedier A/S 17.7.2023
I: Politiken, 31.8.2019, s. 6
8.red.Harlow : Pearson Education Ltd. 2016, 744 s.