Peter Koerver Schmidt is co-applicant for a significant research grant by the Carlsberg Foundation to a entrepreneurship project

We are thrilled to announce that the Department of Business Humanities and Law (BHL), of which CBS LAW forms part, has been awarded a substantial grant from Carlsbergfondet for a coming research project , titled 'the Entrepreneurial Age: Rethinking Entrepreneurship in Society'.
Professor Christina Lubinski (BHL), who is the main applicant and who will be leading the project, will work together with co-applicant CBS LAW Professor WSR Peter Koerver Schmidt as well as Professor Dan Wadhwani and Assistant Professor Hannah Tucker from BHL.Together, they and their teams will combine the research fields of history, law and organization studies to explore the discourse and ideals of 'entrepreneurship' in Denmark.
As (tax) law plays a significant role in regard to entrepreneurship and, more specifically, while tax law regulation weighs heavy for the entrepreneurial framework conditions, Peter Koerver Schmidt and the CBS LAW Tax Group aims to make a significant contribution to this interdisciplinary project.
You can read more about the project here.