
Institut for Business Humaniora og Jura

  • CBS Law

Kontor: POR/18.B-1.116

Siddhesh is a post-doctoral scholar at Copenhagen Business School (CBS) with a Ph.D. in international tax law from Institute for Austrian and International Tax law, WU Vienna. His research focuses on the impact of AI on business and tax administration, as well as policy issues related to financial flows and governance. He has also been involved in capacity-building training for government officials and civil society organizations in Eastern Europe and Africa, sharing knowledge and expertise on international tax law and policy. He has taught at various universities and institutions around the world, and co-authored policy reports for UNCTAD and the World Bank. He was a visiting scholar at Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan.

Primære forskningsområder

•    International taxation
•    Transfer pricing
•    Artificial Intelligence
•    Tax Treaties
•    Tax Policy

Curriculum Vitae
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Publikationer sorteret efter:


Shipra Padhi; Abhishek Padwalkar; Siddhesh Rao / The Impact of Tax Treaties on International Mobility of Work in India
I: Mobility of Work. red. /Georg Kofler; Michael Lang; Pasquale Pistone; Alexander Rust; Josef Schuch; Karoline Spies; Claus Staringer; Rita Szudoczky. Amsterdam : IBFD 2024, s. 387-416 (WU Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law - European and International Tax Law and Policy Series, Nr. 29)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Pasquale Pistone; Siddhesh Rao; Jürgen Romstorfer / The Relation Between Article 16 OECD MC and the Other Distributive Rules of the OECD and the UN Model Convention
I: Priority Rules in Tax Treaties. red. /Georg Kofler; Michael Lang; Pasquale Pistone; Alexander Rust; Josef Schuch; Karoline Spies; Claus Staringer; Rita Szudoczky. Amsterdam : IBFD 2023, s. 265-292 (European and International Tax Law and Policy Series, Vol. 28)
Bidrag til bog/antologi
Siddhesh Rao; Jeffrey Owens / Get Tax Ready for Digital Money
I: The Economic Times, 21.2.2022
Jean-Pierre Brun; Ana Cebreiro Gomez; Rita Julien; Joy Waruguru Ndubai; Jeffrey Owens; Siddhesh Rao; Yara Esquivel Soto / Taxing Crime : A Whole-of-Government Approach to Fighting Corruption, Money Laundering, and Tax Crimes.
Washington, DC : World Bank Publications 2022, 80 s. (Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative Series (StAR))
Bog > peer review
Jeffrey Owens; Joy Waruguru Ndubai; Siddhesh Rao / Bridging the Policy Gaps : A Tax Focused Guide to Investment Agreements for Tax and Investment Policymakers.
I: Tax Notes International, Vol. 101, Nr. 10, 2021, s. 1295-1298
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Siddhesh Rao / Doctorate Seminar on European Tax Law
Jeffrey Owens; Joy Waruguru Ndubai; Siddhesh Rao / International Investment Agreements and Their Implications for Tax Measures: What Tax Policymakers Need to Know : A guide based on UNCTAD’s Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development.
Geneva : UNCTAD/United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 2021, 46 s.
Jeffrey Owens; Siddhesh Rao; Joy Waruguru Ndubai / Lessons from UNCTAD for India on How to Avoid Vodafone, Cairn-like Tax Tussles
I: The Economic Times, Vol. 49, Nr. 59, 24.3.2021, s. 14
Jeffrey Owens; Siddhesh Rao; Joy Waruguru Ndubai / There are Some Vexing Questions About the Global Minimum Tax : View.
I: The Economic Times, 21.6.2021
Jeffrey Owens; Joy Waruguru Ndubai; Siddhesh Rao / Exchange and Collaboration with Tax Administrations
I: Enhancing Government Effectiveness and Transparency: The Fight Against Corruption. . red. /Rajni Bajpai; C. Bernard Myers. Washington, D.C. : World Bank Publications 2020, s. 266-287
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