
Institut for Strategi og Innovation

Christian Erik

Kontor: KIL/14.A-3.64
E-mail: cek.si@cbs.dk

Jeg har en baggrund som ingeniør fra DTU og en ph.d. i ledelse fra MIT. Mit speciale er systemdynamik, et felt, der anvender koncepter fra teknisk kontrolteori på socioøkonomiske problemer. Meget af min akademiske forskning har handlet om metoder til at forbedre de analytiske værktøjer i forhold til systemdynamik. I det væsentlige fokuserer mine interesser på overgangen fra fossile brændstoffer til ren energi, især inden for transportsektoren.

Primære forskningsområder

- Systemdynamisk analyse
- Bæredygtig energiudvikling
- Elektrisk mobilitet
- Grøn bymobilitet

Link til denne hjemmeside
  • V89: Introduction to System Dynamics (cand. merc. elective, same as DTU 2491)
  • 2491: Introduction to System Dynamics (DTU graduate elective, same as V89).
  • V91: Sustainable Business Strategy and Innovation (cand. merc. elective)
  • MI51: Strategy and Market Development (cand.merc. MIB mandatory)
  • MI40: Integrated project (cand.merc. MIB mandatory)
  • QBR: Quantitative Business Research (B.Sc. BLC mandatory)
Udvalgte publikationer
  • Kampmann, CE (2012). Feedback loop gains and system behavior.  System Dynamics Review (forthcoming)
  • Kampmann, CE; Oliva, R (2009). Analytical methods for structural dominance analysis in system dynamics. Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science, SpringerVerlag, New York: 8948-8967.
  • Saleh, M; Oliva, R; Kampmann, CE; Davidsen, P (2010). A omprehensive Analytical Approach for Policy Analysis of System Dynamics Models.  European Journal of Operations Research. 203(3): 673-683.
  • Kampmann, CE; Oliva, R (2006). Loop eigenvalue elasticity analysis: three case studies.  System Dynamics Review.  22(2):  141–162.
Publikationer sorteret efter:
Christian Erik Kampmann; Rogelio Oliva / Analytical Methods for Structural Dominance Analysis in System Dynamics
I: System Dynamics: Theory and Applications . . red. /Brian Dangerfield. New York : Springer 2020, s. 153-179 (Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science)
Encyclopædiartikel > peer review
Christian Erik Kampmann; John D. Sterman / Do Markets Mitigate Misperceptions of Feedback?
I: System Dynamics Review, Vol. 30, Nr. 3, 2014, s. 123-160
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Christian Erik Kampmann / Feedback Loop Gains and Feedback Behavior (1996)
I: System Dynamics Review, Vol. 28, Nr. 4, 10.2012, s. 370-395
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Mohamed Saleh; Rogelio Oliva; Christian Erik Kampmann; Pål I. Davidsen / A Comprehensive Analytical Approach for Policy Analysis of System Dynamics Models
I: European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 203, Nr. 3, 2010, s. 673-683
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Christian Erik Kampmann; Rogelio Oliva / Analytical Methods for Structural Dominance Analysis in System Dynamics
I: Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science. red. /Robert A. Meyers. Vol. 19, New York : Springer Science+Business Media 2009, s. 8948-8967
Encyclopædiartikel > peer review
Christian Erik Kampmann; Rogelio Oliva / Structural Dominance Analysis and Theory Building in System Dynamics
I: Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Nr. 25, 2008, s. 505-519
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Mohamed Saleh; Rogelio Oliva; Pål Davidsen; Christian Erik Kampmann / Eigenvalue Analysis of System Dynamics Models : Another Perspective.
Paper presented at The 24th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society 2006, 2006
Christian Erik Kampmann; Rogelio Oliva / Loop Eigenvalue Elasticity Analysis : Three Case Studies.
I: System Dynamics Review, Vol. 22, Nr. 2, 2006, s. 141-162
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Year Name of contractual partner Type of activity 
2018 - 2020 Magasin du Nord Board Member
2023 - 2024 Zerolytics, Oslo, Norway Computer modelling
2024 Whitebox, Hørsholm, Denmark Computer modelling, consultancy