Inaugural lecture, Professor (m.s.o) Lisbeth la Cour

Inaugural lecture, Professor (m.s.o) Lisbeth la Cour

Tirsdag, 3 juni, 2014 - 16:00 to 18:30

Inaugural lecture

Professor (m.s.o.) Lisbeth la Cour

Title: Econometrics Analyses of Study Duration

The lecture presents preliminary results from an analysis of duration of studying at the master program Applied Economics and Finance at Copenhagen Business School. The data will mainly represent the 2010 cohort of students. The length of the study time of this cohort is modelled using various independent variables such as age, gender, nationality, intermediate results such as duration time until first year courses are passed, GPA of the first year courses and an indicator for whether a student writes his/her thesis alone or together with a fellow student. 

About Lisbeth la Cour: la Cour is Professor with special assignments in Time Series Econometrics at the Department of Economics of Copenhagen Business School. She conducts several research projects with an empirical and applied focus using econometric techniques to discover the causal relations in the data. Examples include Productivity and FDI spill-over; Exchange rates and monetary economics; Education, immigration and crime; study duration analysis; Public procurement analysis

Date: Tuesday June 3, 2014 at 16:00-18:30
Location: Råvarebygningen RS.20, Porcelænshaven 22

16:00-16.05: Welcome by Dean of Education, Jan Molin
16:05-16:40: Introduction by Head of Department, Professor Peter Møllgaard
16:40-17:30: Inaugural lecture
17:30-18:30: Reception




Sidst opdateret: Centre for Owner-Managed Businesses // 30/01/2024