Topforskning - 50 gode kilder
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Top 50 - business and economics tidsskrifter
- Academy of Management Journal 1963-
- Academy of Management Review 1976-
- Accounting, Organizations and Society 1976-
- Administrative Science Quarterly 1956-
- American Economic Review 1911-
- Contemporary Accounting Research 1984-
- Econometrica 1933-
- Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 1976-
- Harvard Business Review 1922-
- Human Relations 1947-
- Human Resource Management 1962-
- Information Systems Research 1990-
- Journal of Accounting and Economics 1979-
- Journal of Accounting Research 1963-
- Journal of Applied Psychology 1917-
- Journal of Business Ethics 1982-
- Journal of Business Venturing 1985-
- Journal of Consumer Psychology 1992-
- Journal of Consumer Research 1974-
- Journal of Finance 1946-
- Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 1966-
- Journal of Financial Economics 1974-
- Journal of International Business Studies 1970-
- Journal of Management 1975-
- Journal of Management Information Systems 1984-
- Journal of Management Studies 1964-
- Journal of Marketing 1936-
- Journal of Marketing Research 1964-
- Journal of Operations Management 1980-
- Journal of Political Economy 1892-
- Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 1973-
- Management Science 1954-
- Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 1999-
- Marketing Science 1982-
- MIS Quarterly 1977-
- Operations Research 1956-
- Organization Science 1990-
- Organization Studies 1980-
- Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 1985-
- Production and Operations Management 1992-
- Quarterly Journal of Economics 1886-
- Research Policy 1971-
- Review of Accounting Studies 1996-
- Review of Economic Studies 1933-
- Review of Finance 2004-
- Review of Financial Studies 1988-
- Sloan Management Review 1970-
- Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 2007-
- Strategic Management Journal 1980-
- The Accounting Review 1926-