
Tidligere arrangementer

  • 18 juni, 2020 - 13:00 to 15:00
    In order to obtain the PhD degree, Nicholas Haagensen has submitted his thesis entitled: European Legal Networks in Crisis: The Legal Construction of Economic Policy
  • 15 juni, 2020 - 12:00 to 14:00
    In order to obtain the PhD degree, Friedrich Bergmann has submitted his thesis entitled: Essays on International Trade
  • 12 juni, 2020 - 12:00 to 14:00
    In order to obtain the PhD degree, Thorsteinn Sigurdur Sveinsson has submitted his thesis entitled: Essays on Macroeconomic Implications of Demographic Change
  • 11 juni, 2020 - 13:00 to 15:00
    In order to obtain the PhD degree, Catherine Casler has submitted her thesis entitled: Reconstruction in Strategy and Organization: For a Pragmatic Stance
  • 10 juni, 2020 - 13:00 to 15:00
    In order to obtain the PhD degree, Luisa Murphy has submitted her thesis entitled: Revisiting the standard organization of multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs): The case of a meta-MSI in Southeast Asia
  • 26 maj, 2020 - 13:00 to 15:00
    In order to obtain the PhD degree, Anna Kirkebæk Gosovic has submitted her thesis entitled: Ethics as Practice: An ethnographic study of business ethics in a multi-national biopharmaceutical company
  • 22 maj, 2020 - 14:00 to 16:00
    In order to obtain the PhD degree, Marie Larsen Ryberg has submitted her thesis entitled: Governing interdisciplinarity: Stakes and translations of interdisciplinarity in Danish high school education
  • 20 maj, 2020 - 14:00 to 18:30
    ....while running financially healthy companies at the same time?
  • 18 maj, 2020 - 13:00 to 15:00
    In order to obtain the PhD degree, Anestis Keremis has submitted his thesis entitled: Anti-corruption in action: How is anti-corruption practiced in multinational companies
  • 5 maj, 2020 - 09:00 to 10:30
    Velkommen til informationsmøde, hvor MMD's studieledelse samt erfarne MMD deltagere & dimittender er klar til at fortælle om MMD og besvare dine spørgsmål om, hvordan uddannelsen kan udvikle dit faglige og personlige lederskab. Informationsmødet gennemføres som et online møde.
