CBS named InterForce Member of the Year

CBS recieves this year’s InterForce Member of the Year award in recognition of the dual commitment involved when CBS staff are also active in the Danish Armed Forces.


Peter Møllgaard, CBS Dean of Research, accepts the award from Colonel Eigil Schjønning. (Photo: Esben Zøllner Olesen)

A staff member may need a week of leave to participate in training in Oksbøl or perhaps wishes to be deployed in Afghanistan. CBS acknowledges the Armed Force’s need to draw on staff who, in addition to their civilian jobs, are also part of the Armed Forces. As a result CBS has been awarded the InterForce Member of the Year award. InterForce represents a collaboration between the Armed Forces and civilian private and public companies concerning the Armed Forces’ use of volunteer personnel.

Peter Møllgaard, the Dean of Research at CBS states:

“We’re proud to have received an award for supporting an important social task. It represents a continuation of our Business in Society strategy”.

Colonel Eigil Schjønning, from InterForce explains that the award is given to draw attention to the fact that individual companies can actively work to allow room for individuals with a dual commitment to their civilian job and the military, stating:

“When companies actively provide their staff with information the way CBS does, we would like to get the word out to other companies”.

Supporting InterForce means that CBS willingly grants staff time off, vacation or leave, just as taking a post in the Armed Forces is not a detriment to the staff member’s career – on the contrary.

“This is exactly what we need at InterForce,” says Schjønning.
About InterForce
The aim of InterForce is to improve conditions for individuals with both military and civilian duties. More than 1,800 companies currently support InterForce, which was established in 1999 and has a committee broadly composed of a senior executives from various private and public businesses, institutions and organisations.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 17/12/2017