CSR integrated part of new CBS elite programme

CBSCSR will be responsible for the course in Social Responsibility



In cooperation with the Faculty of Law at Copenhagen University, CBS’ Law Department is currently working on the development of a new elite master programme with a cross-sectoral focus on law, management and economics. The new programme will be taught in English and enrolment is expected to start in the academic year 2009/2010.

CBSCSR has been asked to be responsible for the formulation and teaching of the obligatory first-semester course Management Theory & Social Responsibility. As an integrated part of the programme, the course is so far expected to provide students with knowledge within the area of CSR and the managerial implications of CSR, making use of current cutting-edge research on the subject taking place at the Center.

A total of 20-30 students are expected to be admitted into the programme each year.


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 31/07/2018