Fag på kandidatniveau
Her kan du se alle de enkeltfag, CBS udbyder på kaniddatniveau i hhv. efteråret og foråret. Alle enkeltfag udbydes også som valgfag til CBS' fuldtidsstuderende.
Du finder det største udvalg af fag i efterårssemesteret, da det er her CBS' fuldtidsstuderende tager deres valgfag.
Undervisnings- og eksamensperioder
Fagene udbydes enten som quarter- eller semesterfag. Du kan her se vejledende undervisnings- og eksamensperioder for de forskellige typer fag:
Efterår | Undervisning | Eksamen |
Q1: 1. quarter | uge 35 til 43 | uge 43/44/45 |
Q2: 2. quarter | uge 44 til 51 | uge 1/2/3 |
Semester | uge 35 til 51 | december/januar |
Forår | Undervisning | Eksamen |
Q3: 3. quarter | uge 5 til 12 | uge 13/14/15 |
Q4: 4. quarter | uge 14 til 21 | uge 22/23 |
Semester | uge 5 til 22 | maj/juni |
Fag på kandidatniveau
Fagene udbydes hhv. i efterårssemestret og forårssemestret. Forårets enkeltfag offentliggøres slut september og efterårets enkeltfag i midt marts.
Bemærk, at du ikke kan tilmelde dig kurser, hvor der står Not established eller Closed for further enrolment under Remarks/status.
Læs mere om fagets indhold, eksamensform, læringsmål og litteratur ved at klikke på titlen.
Spring 2025
Course |
Course code
Period running | Remarks/Status |
Applying Data Analytics in Digital Business | CDIBV1002U | Semester | |
Benchmarking | CMECV2001U | Q4 | |
Bæredygtighed mod et værdikædeperspektiv - Valg af kontraheringsform | CJURV2360U | Semester | |
Compliance | CjURV2105U | Semester | |
Consulting for Sustainability – Harnessing Business Models and Innovation | CCMVV1801U | Semester | |
Consumer Culture and Market Segmentation | CKOMV1504U | Semester |
Part of the Minor in International Business Communication that started in the 2024 Autumn semester. The courses can also be taken as individual courses
Consumer Psychology | CPSYV3006U | Q3 | |
Corporate Governance | CCMAV2301U | Semester | This course is only available for CBS full degree students and credit transfer students. |
Cross-Cultural Leadership | CKOMV1505U | Semester |
Part of the Minor in International Business Communication that started in the 2024 Autumn semester. The courses can also be taken as individual courses
Digital Sustainability: Transforming Business Practices | CDIBV2408U | Semester | NOT ESTABLISHED |
Digital Transformation Management | CDIBV2407U | Semester | |
EU regulering af offentlige indkøb – juridiske og økonomiske perspektiver | CJURV2101U | Semester | |
Field Study: Entrepreneurship and Private Sector Development in Uganda | CCDEV1135U | Semester |
Motivational application
Governing responsible business: risk management, reporting and finance between sustainability expectations and compliance | CCMVV2455U | Semester | |
Intern revision | CCMAV3000U | Semester | This course is only available for CBS full degree students and credit transfer students. |
International Negotiations | CCMVV4025U | Q3 | |
Kreditrisiko – modeller med anvendelse | CMECV1014U | Semester | |
Køb og Salg af virksomheder | CCMVV1483U | Semester | CANCELLED |
Lederskabet under Forandring og dets Indvirkning på Organisatorisk Adfærd | CCMVV1735U | Semester | NOT ESTABLISHED |
Predictive Modeling and Machine Learning | CMECV1247U | Semester | |
Pricing Strategies | CCMVV1449U | Q3 | |
Regulering af markeder | CJURV1601U | Semester | |
Sport Management and Marketing | CCMVV2606U | Q3 | |
Statistisk analyse af finansielle data | CMECV1022U | Semester | |
Strategisk kontrahering i et internationalt virksomhedsperspektiv | CJURV2102U | Semester | |
The Economics of Sports | CCMVV4037U | Semester | |
The role of emotions in marketing and communication management (online course) | CCMVV4034U | Q3 | |
Understanding and Regulating Data-Driven Business Models (P) | CBUSV1705U | Semester | NOT ESTABLISHED |
Videregående arbejdsret og personaleøkonomi | CJURV1149U | Semester | |
Videregående erstatningsret – i økonomisk og juridisk perspektiv | CJURV2401U | Semester | |
Videregående EU konkurrenceret og industriøkonomi | CJURV2150U | Semester | |
Videregående kontraktret og kontraktøkonomi | CJURV1153U | Semester |
In addition to the single courses listed above, CBS offers a range of courses from our fulltime programmes as single courses/electives. When you join these courses, you will follow classes and lectures alongside our master students who take the course as a mandatory part of their study programme.
These courses have a limited number of places as a lot of CBS students are already signed up for them.
Autumn 2024
Course | Course code | Period running | Remarks/Status |
A Digital Battlefield: How to transform a new business venture to a sustainable digital business? | CINTV1015U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Digital Business Development. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses. |
Accounting Information Systems | CCMAV1015U | Semester | This course is only available to CBS full degree students and credit transfer students. |
Advanced Topics in Energy and Environment: Sustainable Development and Policy | CCMVV2431U | Semester | NOT ESTABLISHED |
Aktuelle problemstillinger inden for revision | CCMAV2302U | Semester | This course is only available to CBS full degree students and credit transfer students. |
Applied Mindfulness and Compassion | CPSYV2302U | Semester | |
Applied Urban Economics and Real Estate | CCMVV1443U | Semester | |
Artificial Intelligence in Business and Society | CDIBV1004U | Semester | |
Besvigelser | CCMAV2013U | Semester | CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT This course is only available to CBS full degree students and credit transfer students. |
Big Data Analytics | CDSCV1900U | Semester | |
Big Tech Platforms: Technology, Power & Politics | CPOLV1024U | Q1 | |
Boligøkonomi og -finansiering | CCMVV1144U | Semester | |
Brand Analytics | CCMVV2447U | Q2 | Part of the Minor in Excellence in Brand Strategy and Analytics. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Brand Strategy & Business Processes | CCMVV2445U | Q1 | CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT Part of the Minor in Excellence in Brand Strategy and Analytics. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Business & Human Rights: Governance, SDGs and fair transitions | CCBLV2301U | Q1 | |
Business Data Processing and Business Intelligence | CDSCV1005U | Semester | CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT |
Business Process Excellence | CCMVV4066U | Semester | |
Cases in Corporate Finance | CCMVV4061U | Semester | |
Causal Data Science for Business Decision Making | CCMVV2424U | Semester | |
Circular Economies for Sustainability (online course) | CCMVV1459U | Q1 | |
Circular Economy – Business models for the 21st Century | CCMVV2416U | Q1 | |
City and Destination Branding (online course) | CCMVV2320U | Q1 | |
Climate Change and Business Transformation | CCMVV2307U | Semester | |
Common Law and Contracts | CJURV1042U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Law and Management. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Communication and Social Media Management | CKOMV1502U | Semester | Part of the Minor in International Business Communication. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses. Please note that this minor includes courses in both the autumn and spring semesters |
Concepts in Social Data Analytics | CDIBV2406U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Data, Martketing and Management. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses. |
Consulting for Sustainability – Harnessing Business Models and Innovation | CCMVV1801U | Semester | |
Consumer Psychology | CPSYV3006U | Q1 | CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT |
Corporate Political Responsibility in Theory and Practice | CCMVV2406U | Q1 | Part of the Minor in Sustainable Business. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Corporate Sustainability in Global Supply Chains | CCMVV2407U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Sustainable Business. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Cost and Management Accounting | CCMVV2456U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Accounting and Finance. This course can be taken as part of the minor or as an individual course |
Creating markets for sustainable products | CCMVV4019U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Sustainable Business. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Creative Industries, Innovation and Strategy | CCMVV2302U | Semester | |
Critical Cases in Environmental Social Governance (ESG) and Sustainable Investments | CCBLV1031U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Environmental Social and Governance (ESG): Metrics, Reporting and Sustainable Investments. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Cross Section and Panel Econometrics | CMECV1702U | Semester | NOT ESTABLISHED |
CSE Entrepreneurship Programme | CCMVV5023U | Semester | |
Customer Experience and Business Model Innovation | CCMVV1761U | Q2 | Part of the Minor in Marketing and Innovation. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Cybersecurity Foundations, Threats, and Compliance | CDSCV2402U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Data in Business. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses. |
Cybersecurity: Risk in Business Management | CDIBV1001U | Semester | |
Data Science: Data Driven Decision Making | CCMVV1402U | Q1 | CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT Part of the Minor in Quantitative Methods in Economics, Business and Finance. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Dataanalyse i revision | CCMAV3010U | Semester | This course is only available to CBS full degree students and credit transfer students. |
Decision Making for Strategy Execution | CCMVV2308U | Q1 | CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT |
Design and implementation of global strategy | CCMVV2441U | Semester | Part of the Minor in International Business Strategy. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Designing Digital Business | CINTV2021U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Digital Business Development. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses. |
Designing Imaginative Business Models | CCBLV1039U | Semester | CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT Motivational letter required |
Designing Organizations: People, Incentives, and Structure | CCMVV2450U | Q2 | NOT ESTABLISHED |
Digital Entrepreneurship | CDIBV2401U | Semester | NOT ESTABLISHED Part of the Minor in Digital Ventures and Entrepreneurship. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses. |
Digital Marketing Strategy and Technology | CDIBV2405U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Data, Martketing and Management. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses. |
Digital Markets & Strategy | CCMVV2423U | Semester | |
Digital Strategy and Innovation | CCMVV2451U | Q2 | |
Digital technologies and the multinational firm | CCMVV2442U | Q1 | Part of the Minor in International Business Strategy. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Digital Transformation of Business (Designed for Digital) (online course) | CCMVV4062U | Semester | |
Digital Transformation of Work | CDIBV2404U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Data, Martketing and Management. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses. |
Digital Transformations and the Law | CJURV1041U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Law and Management. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Econometric Analysis of Firm Data | CCMVV2401U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Quantitative Methods in Economics, Business and Finance. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Embodied Leadership | CSOCV1036U | Semester | |
Energy Economics, Markets, and Policy | CCMVV2432U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Energy Economics and Policy. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Energy System Economics and Modelling | CCMVV2429U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Energy Economics and Policy. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Environmental Social and Governance (ESG): data, accounting and reporting | CCBLV1032U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Environmental Social and Governance (ESG): Metrics, Reporting and Sustainable Investments. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Erhvervsbeskatning | CCMAV2010U | Semester | This course is only available to CBS full degree students and credit transfer students. |
ESG Rapportering: Regulering, datakrav og virksomhedscases | CCMAV2401U | Semester | CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT This course is only available to CBS full degree students and credit transfer students. |
ESG, Sustainable and Impact Investments | CCBLV1030U | Semester | CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT Part of the Minor in Environmental Social and Governance (ESG): Metrics, Reporting and Sustainable Investments. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Evidence-based Management | CCMVV2454U | Semester | NOT ESTABLISHED |
External Growth Strategies | CCMVV5037U | Q1 | |
Financial Analysis of Investment Projects in Emerging Markets and Developing Countries - A Practical Approach | CCBLV1800U | Semester | CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT |
Financial Engineering | CMECV1251U | Semester | |
Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation | CCMVV1645U | Semester | |
Financing Innovation and Entrepreneurship | CCMVV2427U | Q1 | |
Forhandling og konflikthåndtering | CSOCV1003U | Semester | |
Foundations of Digital Ventures | CDIBV2403U | Semester | NOT ESTABLISHED Part of the Minor in Digital Ventures and Entrepreneurship. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses. |
Game Theory for Business and Data-driven Decision Making | CDSCV1002U | Semester | |
Global Sourcing Management: A Sustainable Procurement Perspective | CCMVV2440U | Q1 | |
Global Strategy: Managing risks and seizing opportunities in a turbulent world | CCMVV4069U | Q1 | Part of the Minor in Risk Management. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Go to market strategies for startups and Innovative Products/Services in the Digital Era (Online course) | CCMVV1732U | Semester | |
How Design Creates Value | CSOCV1030U | Q1 | |
Hybridarbejde - balancen mellem nye og gamle måder at arbejde på | CCMVV2312U | Semester | |
Identity Lab: Navigating Power, Hierarchy and Diversity | CCMVV2430U | Semester | |
Impacts of Investment: The Effectiveness of Institutional Investors in Purpose-Driven Finance | CCMVV1901U | Semester | NOT ESTABLISHED |
Innovation and Strategy in the Digital Economy | CDSCV2401U | Q2 | Part of the Minor in Data in Business. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses. |
International Lobbying & Corporate Public Policy | CKOMV1508U | Q1 | |
International Marketing and Sales | CCMVV2453U | Q1 | NOT ESTABLISHED Part of the Minor in International Marketing and Management. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
International Markets and Consumers | CKOMV1503U | Semester | Part of the Minor in International Business Communication. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses. Please note that this minor includes courses in both the autumn and spring semesters |
International Negotiations | CCMVV4025U | Q2 ¤ Q3 | |
International Skatteret | CCMAV1002U | Semester | CANCELLED |
International Skatteret & Skattepolitik | CJURV2402U | Semester | |
Introduction to Machine Learning for Economics | CEADV2401U | Semester | Motivational letter required |
Irrationality, Economics and Finance: A Behavioral and Experimental Approach | CEADV2402U | Semester | Motivational letter required |
IT - kontrol og revision | CCMAV1014U | Semester | This course is only available to CBS full degree students and credit transfer students. |
Journey Through the World of International Marketing and Management Research | CCMVV2448U | Q2 | NOT ESTABLISHED Part of the Minor in International Marketing and Management. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Kapitalselskaber | CJURV7072U | Semester | |
Køb og Salg af virksomheder | CCMVV1483U | Semester | CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT |
Køb og salg af virksomheder (jura) | CJURV2403U | Semester | CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT |
Law and Management | CJURV7075U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Law and Management. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Leadership and governance at Multinational Enterprises | CCMVV2443U | Semester | Part of the Minor in International Business Strategy. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Lederskabet under Forandring og dets Indvirkning på Organisatorisk Adfærd | CCMVV1735U | Semester | |
Managing Organizational Change and Development | CCMVV1680U | Semester | |
Managing product development and innovation | CCMVV2612U | Q1 | |
Managing Strategy Implementation in the Modern Corporation | CCMVV1688U | Q1 | |
Market Dynamism and Marketing Excellence | CCMVV1763U | Q1 | Part of the Minor in Marketing and Innovation. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Mathematical Finance 2: Continuous Time Finance | CMECV1250U | Q2 | |
Mathematical Optimization: Models, Methods and Applications | CMECV1063U | Q2 | |
Modern Finance and Corporate Finance | CPHIV1801U | Q1 | CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT |
Modern Technology: In Philosophy, Organizations, and Ethics | CPHIV2014U | Semester | NOT ESTABLISHED |
Momsret | CCMAV1011U | Semester | This course is only available to CBS full degree students and credit transfer students. |
Monetary Policy | CMECV1248U | Semester | |
Negotiation: Theory and Practice | CCMVV2313U | Q1 | CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT |
Neuro Research Design | CCMVV5032U | Q1 | Part of the Minor in Behavioral Neuroscience and Economy. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Neuroeconomics | CCMVV1553U | Q2 | Part of the Minor in Behavioral Neuroscience and Economy. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Neuromarketing (Online course) | CCMVV1417U | Q2 | Part of the Minor in Behavioral Neuroscience and Economy. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Open Innovation and Branding | CCMVV1762U | Q2 | Part of the Minor in Marketing and Innovation. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Organizing For Desirable Futures | CSOCV2401U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Building Organizations for Sustainable Futures: Business and Economics in Transformation. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses. |
Panel Econometrics | CMECV1249U | Semester | NOT ESTABLISHED |
Pension Economics | CCMVV1915U | Semester | |
Personalejura og arbejdsret | CSOCV1029U | Semester | |
Persondataret og corporate compliance | CCMAV1019U | Semester | This course is only available to CBS full degree students and credit transfer students. |
Personselskaber | CCMAV3004U | Semester | NOT ESTABLISHED This course is only available to CBS full degree students and credit transfer students. |
Perspectives in Strategic Brand Management | CCMVV2446U | Q2 | Part of the Minor in Excellence in Brand Strategy and Analytics. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Pricing Strategies | CCMVV1449U | Q2 | |
Proceskonsultation i praksis - løsningsfokuserede tilgange til konsultativ praksis | CPSYV1502U | Semester | CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT NB! Faget kan kun vælges i 1. og 2. runde |
Python for the Financial Economist | CCMVV2413U | Semester | |
Quantitative Risk Management – An Application of Machine Learning | CCMVV1450U | Semester | CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT Part of the Minor in Risk Management. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Re-Imagining Capitalism. Towards Just and Sustainable Futures | CSOCV1026U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Building Organizations for Sustainable Futures: Business and Economics in Transformation. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses. |
Selskabsskatteret | CCMAV1000U | Semester | This course is only available to CBS full degree students and credit transfer students. |
Service Design and Innovation | CDIBV2402U | Semester | NOT ESTABLISHED Part of the Minor in Digital Ventures and Entrepreneurship. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses. |
Social Media Marketing (online course) | CCMVV4040U | Q2 | |
Sport Management and Marketing | CCMVV2606U | Semester | |
Strategic Risk Leadership: Engaging a world of risk, uncertainty, and the unknown | CCMVV2301U | Q2 | Part of the Minor in Risk Management. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Strategy Analysis | CCMVV2449U | Q1 | NOT ESTABLISHED Part of the Minor in International Marketing and Management. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Sustainable Management Accounting and Finance | CCMVV1676U | Q1 | |
Sådan tænker journalister | CKOMV2301U | Semester | |
Technology Strategies | CCMVV2444U | Q1 | |
The Art of Leadership in Crisis | CSOCV2402U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Building Organizations for Sustainable Futures: Business and Economics in Transformation. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses. |
The Business Application of Generative AI | CINTV2401U | Semester | |
The Energy Industry in Transition: Markets, Innovation and Strategies | CCMVV1731U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Energy Economics and Policy. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
The Strategist’s Toolbox | CCMVV1455U | Semester | |
Time Series for Economics, Business and Finance | CCMVV1727U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Quantitative Methods in Economics, Business and Finance. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Topics in Corporate Finance | CEADV2403U | Semester | Motivational letter required |
Transfer Pricing i Multinational Enterprises | CCMAV1012U | Semester | This course is only available to CBS full degree students and credit transfer students. |
Transforming IT Management for Digital Business | CINTV3004U | Semester | Part of the Minor in Digital Business Development. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses. |
Value-creating contracts | CCMVV2452U | Semester | NOT ESTABLISHED |
Videregående markedsret | CJURV7058U | Semester |
In addition to the single courses listed above, CBS offers a range of courses from our fulltime programmes as single courses/electives. When you join these courses, you will follow classes and lectures alongside our master students who take the course as a mandatory part of their study programme.
These courses have a limited number of places as a lot of CBS students are already signed up for them.
Course | Course code | Period running | Remarks/Status |
Applied Machine Learning | CINTO2401U | Semester | CLOSED FOR FURTHER ENROLMENT |
Asset Pricing | CEADO1002U | Semester | Motivational letter required |
Bioentrepreneurship | CBIOO1008U | Q2 | Motivational letter required. Part of the Minor in Bioentrepreneurship. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Bio-Markets | CBIOO1005U | Q1 | Motivational letter required. Part of the Minor in Bioentrepreneurship. The courses can be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) or as individual courses |
Business Strategy in Developing Countries and Emerging Markets | CCBDO1001U | Q1 | Part of the Minor in Business and Development Studies. The courses can only be taken as a minor (please register to minor code) |
Civilproces, voldgift og mediation | CJURO1018U | Semester | |
Contract, Agency and Game Theory | CEADO1001U | Semester | Motivational letter required |
Corporate Finance | CEADO1003U | Semester | Motivational letter required |