Co-Academic Director, Stefano Ponte publishes two articles
Co-Academic Director of the CBS Sustainability Platform, Stefano Ponte co-publishes two articles on the theme of sustainability and governance.
1) ‘Orchestrating transnational environmental governance in maritime shipping’, authored by Jane Lister, René Taudal Poulsen and Stefano Ponte explores the limitations of environmental governance in maritime shipping – despite its robust impact on the environment and an existing regulatory system under the International Maritime Organization (IMO). They authors build a four-factor framework to explain this phenomenon and develop recommendations for more fruitful engagement with the IMO in the future. The article is published in Global Environmental Change, the third highest impact factor journal in Environmental Studies, and the top journal in Geography, according to JCR-2014.
Reference: Lister, J., Poulsen, R. T., & Ponte, S. (2015). Orchestrating transnational environmental governance in maritime shipping. Global Environmental Change, 34, 185-195. doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2015.06.011
2) In ‘Assembling sustainable territories: space, subjects, objects, and expertise in seafood certification,’ Peter Vandergeest, Stefano Ponte and Simon Bush argue that sustainability certifications are created by a tangled group of regulatory actors, including state agencies, that shape ‘sustainable territories’. Through four case studies of sustainability certification in the seafood industry, the authors underline the diversity of state roles in certification and ultimately the multifaceted and complex dynamics that play out in sustainability certification. To learn more about the general findings of the paper, please see the video and blog links in addition to the article’s link below. The article is published in Environment and Planning A, a top-ranked journal (4) in the Association of Business Schools (ABS) journal list.
Vandergeest, P., Ponte, S., & Bush, S. (2015). Assembling sustainable territories: space, subjects, objects, and expertise in seafood certification. Environment and Planning A, doi:10.1177/0308518X15599297.