PhD defence: Mikkel Mouritz Marfelt

In order to obtain the PhD degree, Mikkel Mouritz Marfelt has submitted his thesis entitled: The Chameleon Workforce - Assembling and negotiating the content of a workforce.

Fredag, 15 april, 2016 - 14:00 to 16:00

The thesis “The Chameleon Workforce” studies the phenomenon, ‘a diverse workforce’, in a large Scandinavian pharmaceutical company. The dissertation follows the Diverse and Global Workforce (DGW) project, a ‘headquarter centric’ and strategic corporate initiative to address the rapid global expansion of the company workforce. The dissertation investigates the assumption that ‘the company’s workforce is becoming increasingly diverse’. The dissertation places a critical lens on the predetermined and essentialist understanding of workforce diversity as a concept able to add or inhibit value, profit, inclusiveness, etc. and suggest new approaches to address workforce diversity strategically.

Associate Professor Per Darmer
Department of Organization
Copenhagen Business School
Secondary supervisors:
Associate Professor Sara Louise Muhr
Department of Organization
Copenhagen Business School

Associate Professor Annette Risberg
Department of Intercultural Communication and Management
Copenhagen Business School

Professor and Head of Department Signe Vikkelsø
Department on Organization
Copenhagen Business School
Professor Jack Gavin
Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics
Monash University

Assessment Committee:
Associate Professor Robyn Remke (Chair)
Intercultural Communication and Management
Copenhagen Business School

Professor Mustafa Ozbilgin
College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences
Brunel University

Professor Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist
Gothenburg Research Institute
Gothenburg University

The thesis is available here.
The Doctoral School of Organisation and Mangement Studies will host a reception, which will take place immediately after the defence at the the Department of Organization, Kilevej 14A, 4th floor, 2000 Frederiksberg

Sidst opdateret: Communications // 31/07/2018