MSc in Business, Language and Culture - Business and Development Studies

You will learn to analyse the interaction between international business and economic development with a strong focus on developing countries and emerging markets. This will enable you to operate and manage activities in developing countries and emerging markets, taking into account the particular economic and cultural conditions. Furthermore you will work explicitly with your academic writing in English as well as your oral competencies in French, German or Spanish.

About MSc BLC

MSc in Business, Language and Culture consist of 2 concentrations:

  • Business and Development Studies 
  • Diversity and Change Management

MSc BLC gives you a scientifically based set of interdisciplinary, analytical, and communicative skills and qualify you for a career in globally oriented companies, institutions and organizations, private and public.

Interdisciplinary approach
In MSc BLC, you will learn to investigate the theory and practice of international business and management from an interdisciplinary vantage point at the intersection of the social and human sciences, bringing together insights and methods from several academic fields: 

  • international business administration and economics 
  • social, political and culture studies 
  • language and area studies

This interdisciplinary approach allows for a broad perspective on business, taking into account how regionally embedded values, norms, practices and interests impact the ways in which organisations operate in and across multiple contexts in the global economy.

The interdisciplinary approach is increasingly relevant to understand business at the intersection of global and local forces in particular regional contexts. Such an understanding helps not only to overcome obstacles related to cultural, social, political and economic differences between regions, but also to further one’s capacity to see and use contextual differences as potential resources when doing business.

Business and Development Studies

More and more European firms are extending their activities to emerging markets and developing countries, through trade, through direct investments, or through networks. The BADS programme focuses on firm strategy, organisation and management in such countries.

Emerging markets and developing countries
Emerging markets and developing countries are characterised by huge development challenges, but also by rapid economic growth as well as profound industrial and institutional transformation. Operating in such contexts raise particular challenges and opportunities for firms and organisations. BADS seeks to understand these challenges and opportunities.

During your studies you will learn to understand the complex relationship between the business strategies of firms and the development strategies of governments. This will allow you to assess the role that companies and organisations play in economic development processes, and analyse the particular conditions of formulating, implementing and managing strategy in developing countries and emerging markets.

On this background you are able to plan, design, organise and manage investment projects and development interventions in developing countries and emerging markets.

Development and challenges
You will also learn about market and private sector driven development, including aid interventions in support of local business development and poverty relief. And throughout the programme you will learn to consider the strategic and cross-cultural challenges when working in developing and emerging markets, as well as the ethical challenges and dilemmas you might meet in relation to such contexts.

The faculty teaching in BADS has long standing experience working with and in developing countries and is organised in the research centre Centre for Business and Development Studies.

Language and culture
You will explore and gain general knowledge within area studies while speaking your second foreign language (French, German or Spanish). You will learn about political, cultural and social issues in areas where your second language is spoken, as well as gaining knowledge on organisations, management and leadership practices in these regional contexts. This will prepare you to work in an international setting while taking different cultural and international values and practices into account.


Course overview

1st semester 2nd semester 3rd semester 4th semester
1st quarters 2nd quarters

Entrepreneurship for Development
(7,5 ECTS)



Electives / Internship / Exchange / CEMS
(30 ECTS)








Master's thesis
(30 ECTS)









Business Strategy in Developing Countries and Emerging Markets
(7,5 ECTS)
International Business and Economic Development
(7,5 ECTS)

Governance and Development
(7,5 ECTS)





Responsible Value Chains ‐ A Path to Sustainable Development?
(7,5 ECTS)




Managing Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries and Emerging Markets
7,5 ECTS)
Regional track courses*
(7,5 ECTS)
Regional track courses with language*
(7,5 ECTS)

You can read more about the programme, academic content and exams in the programme regulations for MSc in Business Language and Culture

Track courses


Sidst opdateret: Web editor - Student Communications // 03/10/2024