MSc in Social Sciences - Strategic Design and Entrepreneurship

You will get profound knowledge of strategic design and business and a range of methods for designing, managing and commercialising sustainable products and processes. You will also get experience with designing solutions to real-life business problems for industry partners in committed collaboration with fellow students of the programme, including students from design and architecture, and with supervisors from both CBS and the Royal Danish Academy of Design, Architecture and Conservation.

About the programme

Joint master programme
Strategic Design and Entrepreneurship, SDE, is an interdisciplinary master’s programme, jointly offered by CBS and the Royal Danish Academy of Architecture, Design and Conservation.

CBS and the Royal Academy in collaboration provide teaching, supervision, space, worskhops, materials and exams and students will be taking classes and doing project work on both the CBS Frederiksberg campus and on the Royal Academy campus at Holmen, Copenhagen. 

Innovation and design
The programme provides students with critical skills and deep knowledge of entrepreneurship, innovation methods, design processes, business development along with cross-domain collaboration, communication and management. 

A main feature of the programme is the commitment of enrolled students to collaboration and active learning. This entails extra-curricular events such as innovation sprints and participation in design and architectural competitions and exhibitions. 

Hard skills and soft skills
SDE brings students of business, design and architecture together. The aim is to transform the creation of value through architecture and design towards socially and environmentally sustainable forms of business and organising.

You will be trained in hard skills: 

  • entrepreneurial finance
  • accounting
  • legal strategy
  • business ethics
  • design management
  • research methods

The hard skills are combined with soft skills: 

  • cross-domain collaboration and communication;
  • active listening
  • problem-solving abilities
  • teamwork and time management.

This combination will prepare you to professionally address business challenges relative to environmental change, new technologies that all industrial sectors, including architecture, design and construction, are facing.  

Interdisciplinary student environment
Business students are enrolled at CBS while students with a bachelor in architecture or design are enrolled at the Royal Academy.

In the 1st year, the two cohorts take classes together and work together in teams across institutions to create solutions to industry partners’ business challenges that groups are assigned with. 

In the 2nd year student collaborations across the institutions are self-organised for example in entrepreneurial collaboration under the auspices of the Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship.   

Collaboration with external industry partners
In the Strategic Design and Entrepreneurship programme we collaborate with external partners from industries ranging from architecture, construction and design to healthcare, finance and manufacture, making sure students get experience with real-life business challenges and stakeholders within a framework of ethical standards. Partnerships with industry take place on three levels: year-long collaborations, providing design and business challenges to student teams and participating in design sprints.


Course overview

1st semester 2nd semester 3rd semester   4th semester  
1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter

Electives / Internship / Exchange (30 ECTS)





Master's thesis
(30 ECTS)





Entrepreneurship Theory and Finance
(7,5 ECTS)

Research Methods 
(7,5 ECTS)*
Strategic Design, Law and Ethics 
(7,5 ECTS)
Management Accounting for Design and Innovation 
(7,5 ECTS)*
Collaborative Design Processes (15 ECTS) Strategic Design and Consulting (15 ECTS)

*Courses are only for students applying from CBS. KADK students will use this time to work on their projects. 

You can read more about the programme, academic content and exams in the the programme study regulations for Strategic Design and Entrepreneurship.

Sidst opdateret: Web editor - Student Communications // 03/10/2024