
11th NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference 2015 - THE NEXT 10 YEARS

The NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference is the official annual event of the Association of NeuroPsychoEconomics and held in Copenhagen this summer. This 2015 conference "The Next 10 Years" will explore trends in neuromarketing, neuroeconomics, neurofinance and related disciplines to touch upon what the future of neuroscience and business will bring.

Business History Seminar: Mario Daniels (German Historical Institute, Washington) Economic and Industrial Espionage in Germany, the U.S. and Great Britain 1880-1990

The project discusses the importance of economic espionage for corporations and their countermeasures to protect themselves against illegal knowledge transfer. Since the late 19th century, a technological "lead" has increasingly been regarded as one of the factors responsible for an uneven distribution of market and political opportunities of states in a global competition. Governments and corporations therefore cooperated closely in the area of a "knowledge policy," which included espionage by national intelligence agencies in favor of the national economy as well as concerted safety precautions by state and corporations against industrial espionage.

EU growth plan - a way to save Europe? Find a CBS expert

Growth plan from the EU will inject over 2,300 billion DKK into the European countries to start up investments and growth engine. In cooperation with the European Investment Bank, the EU will make 150 billion DKK available. According to the plan, the rest of the pool will be co-financed by investment funds and pension funds. Public private partnerships (PPP) are a key element for the plan's success. Here you will find the names of CBS researchers who can give a comment on the EU's ambitious growth plan and put it into perspective.

New deans at CBS

After a thorough appointment process and in agreement with the appointment committees, the two positions as Dean of Research and Dean of Education have been filled. Both deans are well-known to CBS.

CBS at Science in the City Festival

The Science in the City 2014, which ran from the 21st -26th of June, offered many interesting presentations and events from educational institutions and companies from across Denmark. CBS was of course represented at the festival, and throughout the week you could see the bridge-building universe of CBS unfold under the old roof beams of the old Carlsbergbyen
