
CBS recruits world-leading scholar in entrepreneurship

CBS and Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy (MPP) have recruited a world-leading scholar in entrepreneurship, professor William B. Gartner (Bill Gartner). From August 2013 Bill Gartner is professor of Entrepreneurship and the Art of Innovation at MPP.

CBS appoints top researcher as new professor in entrepreneurship

Mirjam van Praag from the University of Amsterdam has been appointed Maersk Mc-Kinney Møller Professor of Entrepreneurship at Copenhagen Business School. The donation from the ‘A. P. Møller og Hustru Chastine Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond til almene Formaal’ at 40 million Danish kroner provides CBS with the opportunity to strengthen its research and education activities within entrepreneurship.

Social sciences and the humanities will play a large part in Horizon 2020

As the first Danish university, Copenhagen Business School places focus on Horizon2020, the new EU programme for research and innovation. The aim of the programme is to ensure the global competitiveness of Europe and create jobs and growth. Horizon 2020 works with a budget of DKK 525 billion and runs from 2014-2020

Danish companies need to discover the Peruvian market

A steadily growing economy and a new trade agreement with the EU give Peru a great investment potential. Assistant Professor Jacobo Ramirez says that Danish companies should seize the opportunity of investing more in infrastructure and industrial machinery sales

Seminar: Copyright in the EU Digital Single Market

Copyright in the EU Digital Single Market - Report of the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) Giuseppe Mazziotti is an Italian attorney and counsel at Nunziante Magrone in Rome specializing in intellectual property law, media law, antitrust law and information technology law. In December 2012 he founded Mediartis, a consultancy firm working at the intersection of law, digital media and creativity, with the aim to partner with individual creators, intellectual property right-holders, startups, Internet and media companies in order to offer them personalized solutions on how to best approach the complex and vast European and Italian digital markets.
