
CBS workshop: Historical research meets management & organizational research

CBS faculty in discussion with international guests: Steve Cummings (The University of Wellington), Peter Miskell (Henley Business School), Roy Suddaby (University of Victoria/University of Liverpool), Rolv Petter Storvik Amdam (BI Oslo), Anna Pikos (Kozminksi University Warsaw). There is a limited number of places available for additional participants. People who are interested, should get in touch with Alfred Reckendrees,

FRIC is looking for new research assistants (students)

The Center for Financial Frictions (FRIC) is looking for new research assistants who are interested in supporting us in our research via data collection and cleaning, calculations, model implementation and information retrieval – application deadline is October 9, 2018

Register for the Danish Finance Institute Annual Conference 2018

Danish Finance Institute’s first annual conference takes place Thursday October 11, 2018, from 13.00 – 18.00, at Copenhagen Business School and topics include contemporary issues in asset management, the future direction of interest rates and houseowners’ choice of mortgages - sign up before October 1, 2018

FRIC'18 Conference in pictures

On August 16-17, 2018 Center for Financial Frictions (FRIC) and the Department of Finance hosted the sixth international conference on financial frictions: FRIC'18 Conference on Financial Frictions - see pictures from the conference below

Danish Finance Institute Annual Conference 2018

Danish Finance Institute Annual Conference 2018 takes place October 11, 2018 - keynote speaker is Annette Vissing-Jørgensen from the University of California, Berkeley - sign up before October 1, 2018
