Just under DKK 10 million for research

The VELUX FOUNDATION helps young researchers


A Danish term and knowledge bank and organisation theory are the main focuses of two research projects that received grants from the VELUX FOUNDATION.

Young researchers must learn from experienced researchers

The foundation is particularly focused on research projects generating development opportunities for upcoming researchers. The groups that receive the grants are often composed of a senior researcher as project manager and several young researchers. In this way, young researchers gain access to the experienced researcher's network, which can really benefit their research.

The foundation is aware that there is a bigger potential in gaining academically from these grants in the long term, if the money goes to a field that is part of the future prioritisation made by the individual departments. At the same time, younger researchers will be in a strong position when permanent positions are advertised, if they already have research experience within the area.

Organisational theory: Back to practice

How do we avoid crises and scandals in organisations - for instance during a financial crisis? A part of the answer can be found in organisational theory, but that has not been put forward during the financial crisis, says Associate Professor Signe Vikkelsø from the Department of Organization, who is a member of one of the research groups.

- A void has emerged between researchers on one side and managers and consultants on the other. The practitioners are no longer as closely attached to theory, which has become very abstract. The research project will focus on why this course has changed, and we will take a look at classical and newer organisational theory and discover how we can make them practically applicable again, says Signe Vikkelsø.

Signe Vikkelsø and Professor Paul du Gay have received DKK 4,255,000 from the VELUX FOUNDATION for the research project "What Makes Organization".

Danish term and knowledge bank

The other research group is headed by Professor Bodil Nistrup Madsen from the Department of International Language Studies and Computational Linguistics. The aim of the research project "Establishment of a Danish Term and Knowledge Bank" is to establish the condition for an interactive public knowledge and terminology bank.

The constraint in establishing and maintaining a knowledge and terminology bank is to obtain data amounts that are large enough and of a quality high enough to be of use nationally.

The research project, which has been granted DKK 5 million, will be involving the Danish Language Council. A future national term bank will also be collaborating with the University of Southern Denmark, Aarhus University, the Swedish Rikstermbank, etc.


In 2008, the foundation started to focus on the humanities through the granting of approx. DKK 25 million annually to research projects of a so-called core group character (a mix of experienced and younger researchers) within the humanities and the closest social science academic fields. The two research projects have received their grants as part of this focus.

The page was last edited by: Communications // 11/23/2010