
“META-documentation” Centre for Art & Leadership invites you to a seminar at our new location Porcelænshaven, Frederiksberg C.

Friday, October 28, 2005 - 13:30 to 17:30

Centre for Art & Leadership invites you to a seminar at our new location Porcelænshaven, Frederiksberg C.


  • Welcome

    By Head of Department of Management, Politics & Philosophy Eva Zeuthen Bentsen

  • Ambiguity, interpretation and bottom lines

    By professor Ole Fogh Kirkeby

  • Innovation and organizational imagination -  interpretation, transformation
    and documentation

    By professor Pierre Guillet De Monthoux (S.) and HR Manager Hans Henriksen, Nokia Mobile Phones R&D (D.K.)


  • Performance and creating interpretation. The quality of understanding both

    the performer's and the observer's perspective.

    By Peter Hanke and violinist Paul Robertson (U.K.)

  • When managing creation processes - alternatives to documentation driven innovation

    By visiting professor Robert D. Austin (U.S.) and visual artist Kent Hansen (D.K.)

META-bar combined with Open Space discussions

Visit the META-bar and continue the discussions from the four presentations.

The META-bar will be organised  by the editorgroup behind



META-documentation, or the documentation of documentation, is a perspective on the praxis of documenting what happens in the worlds of management and governance, which presents this activity as an art. META-documentation is an invitation to the stakeholder, to the public, to the brand-victim, and to any audience, to co-create the experiences which so often are flattened or destructed through an anticipated reductionism to all too-well-known criteria, or “bottom-lines”.

At the seminar we will challenge people to do non-figurative thinking about processes and established presumptions of excellence, and thus to recreate the foundation of their own perception, performance and reflection. We must dare to report about that which happened, but never took place. We must be brave enough to let non-sense into the heart of corporate reality, grow its beautiful fruits. 

October 2005, Ole Fogh Kirkeby

Centre for Art & Leadership reserves the right to make alterations in the programme.

Time and Place

28. October 2005


Copenhagen Business School

Porcelænshaven 20,

DK-2000 Frederiksberg

Invite a colleague or a guest

Please feel free to invite a colleague or a guest.


The seminar is open for anyone interested and places are free of charge. But registration is nessecary. Please indicate your participation by mailing to Rikke Ørtved 


Primarily english

Find your way

IMPORTENT: Entrance to the building (the area where CBS is located) must be from
Sønder Fasanvej! The entrances from Smallegade, Virginiavej and Frederiksberg Have are closed.


Find the vestibule

The address: Porcelænshaven 20 (the vestibule) is located between building 62 and building 65 - entrance directly from Søndre Fasanvej.

See the map



At the moment it is not possible to park a car at the CBS-campus, Porcelænshaven. We recommend public transportation or bicycle.


The page was last edited by: Communications // 10/23/2012