Governance Cluster seminar

with Jan Aart Scholte

Thursday, November 9, 2006 - 12:30 to 14:30

The Governance Cluster at IKL invites you to a seminar with Jan Aart Scholte on CIVIL SOCIETY AND ACCOUNTABLE GLOBAL GOVERNANCE

Jan Aart Scholte is widely known for his

Globalization - a critical introduction, now in its second edition (Palgrave 2005), as well as for his work on civil society and global governance. His book

Civil Society and Global Democracy will be published by Polity Press in 2007.

He is Professor in the Department of Politics and International Studies and co-director of the Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, University of Warwick. During 2006-07 he is Olof Palme Visiting Professor at the University of Gothenburg. He is currently directing an international research project on Civil Society and Accountable Global Governance.

At the seminar Jan Aart will present this project for discussion. We look forward to a very interesting and lively debate.

On the preceding day, Professor Scholte will give a guest lecture to students in the IBP, BLC and CMI programs on "Civil Society and Global Governance". Although targeted to these students, others are welcome. Wednesday, November 8, 14:25-15:25, room s43, Kilen, Kilevej 14, 2000 Frederiksberg.

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