PhD defence - Between Technological Turbulence and Operational Stability

For the defence of the PhD degree Karoline Bromose, Center for Business Development and Management, has submitted her thesis entitled: Between Technological Turbulence and Operational Stability - An empirical case study of corporate venturing in TDC

Tuesday, September 11, 2007 - 13:00 to 15:00

Based on the dynamic competence theory the thesis explores how established firms can stay - or become - innovative by using corporate venturing. The empirical study indicates that different types of competences are produced during the corporate venturing activities, but that the most significant contribution from corporate venturing might be the production of improved integrative competences and emergent learning


Professor Jens Frøslev Christensen

Department of Innovation and Organisational Economics

Professor Bøje Larsen

Center for Business Development and Management

Assessment Committee:

Professor John K. Christiansen (chairman)

Department of Operations Management

Professor Anders Drejer

Aarhus School of Business/University of Aarhus

Professor Shaker Zahra

University of Minnesota

The PhD Programme in Technologies of Managing is hosting a reception after the defence

The thesis is available from SL books approx. 10 days before the defence

The page was last edited by: Communications // 11/25/2008