Blue - Research seminar

Seminar by Stig Tenold on Norwegian shipping

Wednesday, November 28, 2007 - 13:30 to 15:00

Seminar by
Stig Tenold, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration

Norwegian shipping through booms and crises


Since around the late 19th century the Norwegian shipping industry has been among the strongest in the world. However, it has gone through cycles of booms and crises caused by changes in, among other things, competition, national shipping strategies and global regulations – changes that have called for complex adaptations of Norwegian shipping companies oftentimes with the aid of the Norwegian state. Associate Professor Stig Tenold will introduce Norwegian shipping and, with a focus on the period from the onset of the crisis in the 1970s up until today, discuss the challenges and responses of the industry.

Stig Tenold is Associate Professor of Economic History at the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration. His main research area is Norwegian and international shipping. In 2001, he defended his PhD-thesis on “The Shipping Crisis of the 1970s: Causes, Effects and Implications for Norwegian Shipping”. Subsequently, he has published a book on the leading international chemical tanker company, Odfjell, and a number of shorter articles on Norwegian maritime topics in leading international maritime journals, including International Journal of Maritime History
and Maritime Policy and Management

This seminar is organized by

- Research on Maritime Industries

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