DRUID 25th celebration conference on entrepreneurship and innovation

Leading International Event at CBS

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 - 09:00 to Friday, June 20, 2008 - 17:00

Leading International Event at CBS.

The leading international event for novel research in industrial dynamics. Through a highly competitive process scholars present selected papers and engage in targeted debates on currently heated issues.

The DRUID 25th Celebration Conference intends to map theoretical, empirical and methodological advances, further contribute with novel insights and stimulate civilized controversies in industrial dynamics. The parallel paper sessions will be organized around the following themes:

  • Opportunity Recognition and Development

  • Distributed Innovation and Search for Knowledge and Solutions

  • Mobility - Labor, Capital, Knowledge

  • Emergence and Growth of Markets and Industries

  • Technological Change and Development

  • Organizational Behavior and Corporate Strategy

  • Innovative Regions and Growth

  • IPR, Appropriability Regimes and Innovation

  • Networks and Projects: Knowledge Creation, Accumulation and Exchange

  • Localized Knowledge Pools, Global Knowledge Flows

  • Institutional Performance and Change

  • Creativity, Experimentation and Organization

  • Industry Evolution and Organizational Change

  • Complex Adaptive Systems

Contact: celebration2008@druid.dk


The page was last edited by: Communications // 05/20/2008