International Seminar

Call for Papers for International Seminar on "European Regulatory Governance: Developments and Change"

Thursday, October 27, 2011 - 00:00 to Friday, October 28, 2011 - 00:00


The past few years have seen major transformations in the European Union and in European regulatory governance more generally. The recently ratified Treaty of Lisbon provides a new institutional design for common action, the unfolding of which is taking place through concrete initiatives that are shaping the political nature of the Union. The new treaty consolidates a process where regulation and governance have been changing rapidly with agencification, creation and extension of regulatory networks, new types and mixes of policy instruments, new modes of governance, and the increased proceduralization of public action. This is taking place at a time when the economic and financial crisis is hitting particularly hard in Europe, when the Union is extending its external foreign and security capacities, and when the neighbourhood policy meets the challenge of revolutions and repression in the Middle East. Collective and individual responses to the crisis are the outcomes of complex political processes of decision-making, and will have long lasting consequences in the architecture of European politics.

This international seminar aims at identifying and analysing these challenges and dynamics of European regulatory governance. Papers are expected to address at least one of the following questions:

  1. What are the major institutional characteristics of the European Regulatory Governance? And, what are the forces that shape these institutional characteristics?

  2. What are the consequences in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and legitimacy of these developments and changes? In particular:

  • Under what conditions do these changes in European governance improve (or not) compliance?

  • How far are those transformations dependent on organizational/ administrative capacity at different levels?

  • What are the most common mechanisms of diffusion and learning across Europe (and beyond) – their successes and limits?

  • Do these changes point towards a trade off between input-output forms of legitimacy, and different forms of accountability?

The seminar is arranged by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the Copenhagen Business School, as the inter-congress meeting of the Research Committee 3 on European Unification of IPSA (International Political Science Association) and in association with the Danish Society for European Research (ECSA Denmark).

Prof. David Levi-Faur will be the keynote speaker of the seminar. The international program committee includes: Ken Endo (Hokkaido University, Japan), Susana Borrás (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark), Magali Gravier (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark), Carlos Closa Montero (CSIC, Spain), David Levi-Faur (Hebrew University of Jerusalem & the Freie Universitat Berlin), Patrick Le Galès (Sciences Po, Paris), Adriaan Schout (Clingendael Institute, The Netherlands), Claudio Radaelli (Exeter University, UK).

Submission Guidelines and Deadlines

The Seminar will extend over two days, with plenary and parallel sessions. The seminar will convene internationally leading experts and scholars studying European governance and regulation. Particular attention will be given to early career researchers’ attendance.

Please, note that there will be a limited number of participants.

  • The deadline for abstract submissions is May 20th, 2011. Abstracts should be of max 500 words describing the research question, methods, and preliminary results.

  • The submission of abstracts should be done at this email address:

  • Decisions on acceptance of abstracts will be communicated by May 31rst, 2011, based on advice from the international program committee (see above).

  • Registration for the seminar and paper submission will open in early September 2011 at the conference website (to be announced at the webpage of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at Copenhagen Business School).

Practical information

Please, note that this international seminar does not require conference fees. Participants will be offered lunch and refreshments during the seminar.

Participants are requested to cover their own travel and accommodation costs. Practical information about hotels and travel indications can be found in the website. A small number of travel and accommodation grants are available. Please send an informed letter of request to the convener Susana Borrás at after the abstract has been accepted and no later than September 15th.

The page was last edited by: Communications // 04/28/2011