‘Zootechnologies: a Media History of Swarm Intelligence’

a lecture in the Public Lecture Series 'Public Sphere, Crowd Sentiments and the Brain'

Thursday, November 14, 2013 - 15:00 to 17:00

Zootechnologies: a Media History of Swarm Intelligence’ by Sebastian Vehlken, Lüneburg

Sebastian is Junior Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Media Cultures of Computer Simulation (mecs), Leuphana University Lüneburg. In 2010, he finished his Ph.D. thesis on a media history of biological and computational swarm research at Humboldt University Berlin. His main research interests focus on a media history of agent-based modelling and simulation, scientific visualization, the history and epistemology of supercomputing, and oceans as media environments.

Learn more about Sebastian here.

The seminar is open for all participants and free of charge, just show up.

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