
Globalisation: Time to go network

World trade has entered a new stage that puts Denmark and Europe under pressure, says CBS researcher. A new EU directive will add even further challenges.

New study: Being laid off affects women more severely than men

If women lose their job, the risk of long-term unemployment is markedly higher than for men. It affects mothers particularly severely as they are twice as prone to long-term unemployment compared to fathers, a new study concludes. This new knowledge should lead to initiatives that will help the most marginalised groups gain employment again, according to Anne Sophie Lassen, Postdoc at Copenhagen Business School and one of the researchers behind the study.

Professor at CBS: No equality for another 150 years

Research shows that family businesses are only passed on to a daughter one out of five times. If the current trend continues then it will take up to 150 years before daughters are given the keys just as often as sons.
