Alle kandidatuddannelser
Accounting, Strategy and Control
MSc in Economics and Business Administraion (cand.merc.)
By working with measurements of cost, performance and risk, you will learn to identify strategic challenges within organisations, and to design the proper course of action and incentive structures to respond to them. This understanding of numbers and their organizsational role will facilitate the implementation of company strategy and value creation.
Advanced Economics and Finance
MSc in Economics and Finance (cand.oecon.)
You will acquire an in-depth knowledge of the most recent empirical research and models in economics and finance. Through this you will learn to discuss, analyse and solve real-life problems relating to economic and financial decision-making in corporations, understand the fluctuations and drivers of financial markets, and test ideas at the forefront of academic research.
Applied Economics and Finance
MSc in Economics and Finance (cand.oecon.)
Applied Economics and Finance provides you with the essential business knowledge, analytical skills, and competencies to analyze the economic context in which firms operate, to evaluate financial risks, and to make sound financial decisions in various business environments.
Cand.merc.aud. - revisorkandidat
Gennem en tilegnelse af kompetencer inden for revision, regnskab, økonomi og jura, vil du lære at analysere en virksomheds regnskabsmæssige rapportering, samt at vurdere økonomiske og juridiske forholds indvirke på dens styring.
Findes også som erhvervskandidat på deltid
Cand.merc.(jur.) - erhvervsøkonomi og erhvervsjura
Cand.merc.(jur.) giver dig en specialiseret forretningsforståelse af den erhvervsjuridiske verden – i EU og i Danmark. Du lærer at forholde dig til udfordringer og muligheder, som deles af virksomheder, organisationer og myndigheder, ved at behandle dem både juridisk og økonomisk.
Cand.merc.(mat) - erhvervsøkonomi og matematik
Cand.merc.(mat.) lærer dig at forstå og håndtere virksomheders problemstillinger af kompleks økonomisk og kvantitativ natur ved at anvende bl.a. finansiering, operationsanalyse og avancerede matematiske / statistiske modeller.
Finance and Investments
MSc in Economics and Business Administration (cand.merc.)
You will develop a deep understanding of the structure and workings of financial markets and financial institutions. Building on relevant quantitative and IT skills, you will learn to master state-of-the-art theoretical and empirical models for investment decisions and for the pricing and risk management of stocks, bonds, and derivative securities.
Finance and Strategic Management
MSc in Economics and Business Administration (cand.merc.)
Through an understanding of the financial tools, economic organisation and strategic processes of a company, you will learn to provide support for internal decision making, and evaluate the potential risks and outcomes of these decisions.
Finansiering og regnskab
Du vil få et indgående kendskab til regnskab og finansiering og undersøge de muligheder, en virksomhed har for at skaffe kapital og allokere sine ressourcer. Dette vil give dig et overblik, som gør dig i stand til at se problemerne ud fra både kreditgivers, investors og virksomhedsleders beslutningssituation.
Findes også som erhvervskandidat på deltid
Cand.merc.(kom) - erhvervsøkonomi og virksomhedskommunikation
Cand.merc.(kom.) giver dig en bred forståelse for kompleks, strategisk virksomhedskommunikation både internt og eksternt i virksomheder og andre typer af organisationer – særligt med henblik på opnåelse af forretningsmæssige mål i en global kontekst.
Sales Management
MSc in Economics and Business Administration (cand.merc.)
By combining tools and theories from customer insights and data analytics with knowledge of digital platforms and business model innovation you will learn to strategically position digitally based marketing and sales functions. Working with this omni channel management focus will enable you to develop and optimize integrated marketing and sales functions to create customer value, increase business performance and implement commercial excellence.
Cand.ling.merc i interkulturelle markedsstudier med spansk, tysk eller fransk
Uddannelsen udbydes i samarbejde med Københavns Universitet - læs mere på
Økonomisk markedsføring
Ved at have fokus på kundens behov og adfærd, samt på anvendelsen af kvalitative og kvantitative metoder til indsamling og analyse af data, lærer du at udarbejde faktabaserede beslutningsgrundlag for planlægning og gennemførelse af strategier og -aktiviteter.
Findes også som erhvervskandidat på deltid
Accounting, Strategy and Control
MSc in Economics and Business Administration (cand.merc.)
By working with measurements of cost, performance and risk, you will learn to identify strategic challenges within organisations, and to design the proper course of action and incentive structures to respond to them. This understanding of numbers and their organizsational role will facilitate the implementation of company strategy and value creation.
Business and Development Studies
MSc in Business, Language and Culture
You will learn to analyse the interaction between international business and economic development with a strong focus on developing countries and emerging markets. This will enable you to operate and manage activities in developing countries and emerging markets, taking into account the particular economic and cultural conditions. You will likewise work explicitly with your written academic English as well as further your oral competencies in French, German or Spanish
Diversity and Change Management
MSc in Business, Language and Culture
DCM gives you knowledge about work in dynamic organisations in a global environment characterised by diversity, strategic complexity, and constant change. In this concentration you will also advance your oral competences in one other language (French, German or Spanish) as well as work explicitly with your written academic English.
General Management and Analytics
MSc in Economics and Business Administration (cand.merc.)
By combining business economics with decision-driven analytics, you will learn to enable informed decision-making for complex business problems. The focus on general management and financial implications will allow you to set strategic directions, create value through problem-solving and interact with stakeholders across functional and organizational boundaries.
Human Resource Management
Med nutidens konstante krav om forandring er det i høj grad evnen til at håndtere ansættelsesrelationen og ”den menneskelige faktor”, der afgør om organisationer overlever og kan udnytte mulighederne i disse forandringer. Cand.soc. HRM giver dig et unikt udgangspunkt for at bidrage til at udnytte de muligheder organisationer har i udviklingen af deres HRM. Cand.soc. Human Rescource Management giver dig en organisationssociologisk tonet HRM-uddannelse.
MSc in International Business and Politics
By understanding the international, political, economic and to some extend legal dynamics that shape the world we live in, you are able to critically analyse and understand political and business dynamics and how they influence each other
People and Business Development
MSc in Economics and Business Administration (cand.merc.)
PBD is the new concentration that gives the candidates the keys to understand why and how the organization’s people and human capital becomes the key drivers of business development and transformation in modern organizations.
Strategy, Organisation and Leadership
MSc in Economics and Business Administration (cand.merc.)
You will learn to combine theoretical insight with an understanding of the practical challenges of strategy, organisation and leadership. This will give you a better understanding of management in a world of continuous change, and of how actions at individual and group level relate to the broader picture of business strategies and society at large.
Supply Chain Management
MSc in Economics and Business Administration (cand.merc.)
You will acquire an understanding of the core concepts, theories and models for strategically designing, managing and controlling global supply chains. You will learn to plan and optimize supply chain operations, but also get the competencies of developing global supply networks and supplier relations. Through this you will be able to influence decisions on both the operational and the strategic level of business management.
Findes også som erhvervskandidat på deltid
Cand.merc.(mat.) - erhvervsøkonomi og matematik
Cand.merc.(mat.) lærer dig at forstå og håndtere virksomheders problemstillinger af kompleks økonomisk og kvantitativ natur ved at anvende bl.a. finansiering, operationsanalyse og avancerede matematiske / statistiske modeller.
MSc in Business Administration and Data Science
This programme uniquely combines hard analytical skills with an understanding of the relevant business data context for application. Through this combination you will learn how to use theories, models and tools for data analytics to generate actionable insights and develop fact based platforms for decision making by conducting visual, text and predictive analysis.
MSc in Business Administration and Digital Business
Digital Business focuses on the opportunities that IT can provide when private and public organisations interact with their costumers, clients or stakeholders. You will learn to understand and develop IT-based concepts that match the needs of the users, but also how to implement and commercialize them. This allows you to create services, apps and other solutions that support the strategy and desired goal for both companies and society at large.
Findes også som erhvervskandidat på deltid
MSc in Business Administration and Information Systems
At the MSc IT you learn how to use information and information technology to add value to companies and organisations. You gain an understanding of how IT affects the organisational structure and financial results of a company – and how the organisational needs and economic reality creates possibilities and constraints on the IT architecture.
Cand.merc.(psyk) - erhvervsøkonomi og psykologi
Cand.merc.(psyk.) gør dig til forandringsagent af processer i virksomheder. Du lærer at analysere den menneskelige faktors betydning i ledelses- og forretningsprocesser - og at designe og implementere løsninger, der forbedrer disse processer, så de bedre opfylder virksomheden mål.
Management of Innovation and Business Development
MSc in Economics and Business Administration (cand.merc.)
Management of Innovation and Business Development focuses on innovation from different perspectives including strategy, project management, entrepreneurship, management control and finance.
MSc in Business Administration and Innovation in Health Care
With a focus on the unique work context of health care organizations, students will learn to analyse health care innovations as business cases and develop actionable skills for their design and implementation. Courses draw on industry experts, high quality academic faculty and real life cases.
MSc in Business Administration and Bioentrepreneurship
MSc BIO is a full-time two-year (four semesters) programme. You will take courses in advanced biology and learn the business tools and methods from business required to translate scientific research and patents into innovative products and viable business opportunities. Teaching draws on industry experts, high quality academic faculty, real life cases, insight into bio ventures, and a three month internship in one of Denmark’s leading life science companies.
Organisational Innovation and Entrepreneurship
MSc in Social Science (cand.soc.)
The programme focuses on how to design and manage processes of innovation and entrepreneurship at all levels in society and businesses. In a co-creative and case-based learning environment, we will uncover both the theoretical and practical aspects of managing the processes that lead to the creation, implementation, and growth of innovative new ventures. With this approach you will acquire the necessary skills to start a business, create innovations, manage change and resources, and lead others in the process of turning a new idea into a viable business.
Public Management and Social Development
MSc in Social Science (cand.soc.)
By exploring similarities and differences in contemporary challenges to the welfare of citizens in China and Europe, you will learn to manage and participate in social innovation at the interface between the public and private sectors in China as well as Europe.
Strategic Design and Entrepreneurship
MSc in Social Science (cand.soc.)
SDE is offered in collaboration with the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation. In this programme you will learn to balance and utilize knowledge of design thinking and processes in combination with tools for commercialization and management. This cross disciplinary insight will allow you to work generatively with designers from a managerial perspective as well as prepare you for design related business entrepreneurship.
Cand.merc.(kom) - erhvervsøkonomi og virksomhedskommunikation
Cand.merc.(kom.) giver dig en bred forståelse for kompleks, strategisk virksomhedskommunikation både internt og eksternt i virksomheder og andre typer af organisationer – særligt med henblik på opnåelse af forretningsmæssige mål i en global kontekst.
Cand.merc.(psyk) - erhvervsøkonomi og psykologi
Cand.merc.(psyk.) gør dig til forandringsagent af processer i virksomheder. Du lærer at analysere den menneskelige faktors betydning i ledelses- og forretningsprocesser - og at designe og implementere løsninger, der forbedrer disse processer, så de bedre opfylder virksomheden mål
Human Resource Management
Med nutidens konstante krav om forandring er det i høj grad evnen til at håndtere ansættelsesrelationen og ”den menneskelige faktor”, der afgør om organisationer overlever og kan udnytte mulighederne i disse forandringer. HRM giver dig et unikt udgangspunkt for at bidrage til at udnytte de muligheder organisationer har i udviklingen af deres HRM. Cand.soc. HRM giver dig en organisationssociologisk tonet HRM-uddannelse.
Management of Innovation and Business Development
MSc in Economics and Business Administration (cand.merc.)
MIB focuses on innovation from different perspectives including strategy, project management, entrepreneurship, management control and finance.
MSc in Business Administration and Philosophy - sidste optag i 2025
The MSc PHIL develops your skills in business philosophy by combining business economics and philosophy. This combination enables you to identify and solve complex challenges in private companies as well as private and public organisations through philosophical reflection and analysis applied to business theory and practices.
Organisational Innovation and Entrepreneurship
MSc in Social Science (cand.soc.)
The programme focuses on how to design and manage processes of innovation and entrepreneurship at all levels in society and businesses. In a co-creative and case-based learning environment, we will uncover both the theoretical and practical aspects of managing the processes that lead to the creation, implementation, and growth of innovative new ventures. With this approach you will acquire the necessary skills to start a business, create innovations, manage change and resources, and lead others in the process of turning a new idea into a viable business.
People and Business Development
MSc in Economics and Business Administration (cand.merc.)
PBD is the new concentration that gives the candidates the keys to understand why and how the organization’s people and human capital becomes the key drivers of business development and transformation in modern organizations.
Strategic Design and Entrepreneurship
MSc in Social Science (cand.soc.)
SDE is offered in collaboration with the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation. In this programme you will learn to balance and utilize knowledge of design thinking and processes in combination with tools for commercialization and management. This cross disciplinary insight will allow you to work generatively with designers from a managerial perspective as well as prepare you for design related business entrepreneurship.
Strategy, Organisation and Leadership
MSc in Economics and Business Administration (cand.merc.)
You will learn to combine theoretical insight with an understanding of the practical challenges of strategy, organisation and leadership. This will give you a better understanding of management in a world of continuous change, and of how actions at individual and group level relate to the broader picture of business strategies and society at large.
Cand.merc.aud. - revisorkandidat
Gennem en tilegnelse af kompetencer inden for revision, regnskab, økonomi og jura, vil du lære at analysere en virksomheds regnskabsmæssige rapportering, samt at vurdere økonomiske og juridiske forholds indvirke på dens styring.
Findes også som erhvervskandidat på deltid
Cand.merc.(jur.) - erhvervsøkonomi og erhvervsjura
Cand.merc.(jur.) giver dig en specialiseret forretningsforståelse af den erhvervsjuridiske verden - – i EU og i Danmark. Du lærer at forholde dig til udfordringer og muligheder, som deles af virksomheder, organisationer og myndigheder, ved at behandle dem både juridisk og økonomisk.
MSc in Business Administration and Philosophy - sidste optag i 2025
The MSc PHIL develops your skills in business philosophy by combining business economics and philosophy. This combination enables you to identify and solve complex challenges in private companies as well as private and public organisations through philosophical reflection and analysis applied to business theory and practices.
MSc in International Business and Politics
By understanding the international, political, economic and to some extend legal dynamics that shape the world we live in, you are able to critically analyse and understand political and business dynamics and how they influence each other.
Public Management and Social Development
MSc in Social Science (cand.soc.)
By exploring similarities and differences in contemporary challenges to the welfare of citizens in China and Europe, you will learn to manage and participate in social innovation at the interface between the public and private sectors in China as well as Europe.
Business and Development Studies
MSc in Business, Language and Culture
You will learn to analyse the interaction between international business and economic development with a strong focus on developing countries and emerging markets. This will enable you to operate and manage activities in developing countries and emerging markets, taking into account the particular economic and cultural conditions. You will likewise work explicitly with your written academic English as well as further your oral competencies in French, German or Spanish.
Diversity and Change Management
MSc in Business, Language and Culture
DCM gives you knowledge about work in dynamic organisations in a global environment characterised by diversity, strategic complexity, and constant change. In this concentration you will also advance your oral competences in one other language (French, German or Spanish) as well as work explicitly with your written academic English.
Cand.ling.merc. i interkulturelle markedsstudier med spansk, tysk eller fransk
Uddannelsen udbydes i samarbejde med Københavns Universitet - læs mere på