CBS Mentoring Programme

As an alum, you have the opportunity to engage with CBS by becoming a mentor to our students - no matter where you are in the world. You can contribute with your knowledge, your expectations to the future job market, your professional and personal experience and your passion. All while learning new perspectives and supporting students in their career journey.

Bliv mentor
Photo: Bjarke MacCarthy

Be a mentor for CBS students: Make a difference and grow professionally

The CBS Mentoring Programme provides CBS students with the opportunity to engage with experienced professionals from the business world. The goal is to prepare and support students in their career choices and the transition from study to work life. The program includes both group and individual mentoring, and each year, we match approximately 150 mentors with around 400 students across CBS’ bachelor’s and master’s programs.

Our mentors participate voluntarily and contribute to various aspects of career development, including career clarification, understanding trends, the job market, roles, Danish work culture, and the importance of lifelong learning and a healthy work-life balance.

Benefits of being a mentor

As a mentor, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Join a diverse network of mentors from different industries and nationalities.
  • Experience personal development through interactions with Danish and international students.
  • Contribute to the next generation’s career development.
  • Participate in tool-based workshop with relevant materials to prepare for your mentoring role.
  • Work with diversity, team dynamics, and build professional networks.

Mentor profile and role

We prioritise CBS alumni who want to support our students on their career paths, but you can also become a mentor without being a CBS alum. We emphasise the following qualifications:

  • Education equivalent to a master’s degree, Ph.D., MBA, or a bachelor’s degree combined with extensive and relevant experience in a senior position.
  • A minimum of 2-3 years of relevant professional experience to mentor bachelor students and longer for master students.
  • Fluent in spoken English, as the program is conducted in English.
  • Willingness to share both professional and personal experiences and create a safe and confidential space for students.

As a mentor, we expect you to:

  • Attend one of the preparatory workshops (applies to new CBS mentors).
  • Prepare and facilitate at least 4 mentoring sessions from November 2024 to May 2025.
  • Contribute relevant knowledge and skills to inspire and develop students.
  • Provide a physical or virtual meeting space. Whenever possible, we recommend meeting at the mentor’s workplace.
  • Note: CBS does not provide facilities for the mentor program.

Application process 2024/2025

You will need to fill out an application form with your background and motivation for participating in the program: Apply here - deadline for application is 18 August 2024.

In the selection and matching process, we prioritise diversity, relevant competencies, and an understanding of the future workplace among our mentors. We take into account the demand for different profiles based on previous student cohorts. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that all applicants will be selected and matched with mentees.

If you have any questions about the CBS Mentoring Programme, feel free to contact us at We look forward to receiving your application!

Mentor timeline



The page was last edited by: CBS Careers // 08/23/2024