CBS adjusts programme portfolio to enhance quality and match the needs of the business community

CBS adapts the bachelor programme portfolio to continue to be able to match the needs of the business community for skilled graduates and prepare the ground for the coming master programme reform. This means that CBS will discontinue three bachelor programmes and change the organisation of bachelor as well as master programmes.  


CBS enjoys great international recognition and holds a Triple Crown accreditation which only goes for approximately 1% of the world’s business schools. CBS is popular among applicants and has five times more applicants for the bachelor programmes than study places. Research-based education is a key task for CBS and with the lowest graduate unemployment rate in Denmark, the many graduates create value for the business community and society at large. Consequently, CBS’ programme portfolio and the graduates’ competences must reflect the current and future needs of society. 

Today, CBS has a very wide programme portfolio with 18 bachelor programmes and 32 master programmes. The business community and the applicants have expressed challenges in telling the difference between some of the programmes, and the programmes have been organised into many different study boards in many dissimilar constructions, which has impeded proper strategic development of the programmes to meet the evolving needs of the business community and society. Consequently, CBS is now restructuring its programme portfolio. Following an internal consultation process it has been decided to discontinue three bachelor programmes and to organise all programmes into fewer study boards in the future.  

”CBS must remain a leading business university, which is why we must continuously ensure that our programme portfolio and our students’ competences match the needs of the business community and society at large. We are currently streamlining our bachelor portfolio and organising all full-time programmes according to a unified logic, which will make it easier to implement the master programme reform because the foundation is solid. We intend to redistribute as many of the discontinued study places as possible to our other great programmes, but just how big a redistribution it is going to be will, as you are well aware, unfortunately depend on the coming ministerial dimensioning of the bachelor enrolment,” says Inger Askehave, Acting President of CBS,” says Inger Askehave, Acting President of CBS. 

”We will discontinue three bachelor programmes. They are great programmes, and our students have appreciated them greatly, but we need to streamline our portfolio to enhance transparency, ensure quality and allocate resources for the upcoming master programme reform. Even though the details of the reform are yet to be known, it is evident that the education system will demand greater flexibility. CBS must offer more 1-year and fewer 2-year master programmes. The massive restructuring that we are facing means that we must optimise our bachelor portfolio to offer the right master programmes as part of the implementation of the master programme reform,” says Anna Thomasson, Dean of Education at CBS.  

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 04/30/2024